Thursday, June 4, 2009

New hurdles

It is 10:52pm and the house is finally quiet.  It is our last night before school lets out early tomorrow for a summer of what summers are meant to be...pool, popsicles, daydreaming of beach visits, traveling a bit and hopefully relaxing.  I have been met with one minor hurdle in the last 24 hours.  Midget has figured out how to get out of her bed.  She first realized her talent somewhere around 3 in the morning last night.  She found her way down the stairs and to my bedside where she quietly woke me and told me tearful stories of scary monsters and her need to be in my bed.  She did sleep well next to me and then I hoped that she might forget that the whole thing ever happened.  Guess what.  She didn't.  She was put in her crib, for what now seems to be the very last time, somewhere around 8:30 when Kaden and Kyra were put to bed as well.  She went quietly.  Almost too easily actually, as she had taken a long nap today.  I didn't hear anything from her for nearly 15 minutes.  I went about the house turning off lights and then I hear a little tapping sound at the bathroom door.  I opened the door to find a shivering child, scared again and tears welling up in her pathetic little FAKE!!! sweet eyes.  I asked her how she got down.  She has yet to share her secret with me.  My idle threats of putting her back to bed were met with statements such as "I am not going to bed yet, Mom" and "I am not tired yet".  Now, at this hour, she is in Kyra's bed, which she can't climb down from and she is still talking to her Pooh bears and kitties and whatever else is sleeping in Kyra's bed.  She is most certainly not sleeping.  Guess who is shopping for a new bed tomorrow.  

And, by the way, why isn't anyone voting on the blog thing?  And furthermore!  Why isn't anyone blogging!!!

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