Sunday, August 9, 2009

"I am a mother"

So, I have been thinking. Thinking about words shared by friends and family and strangers about the work of a mother. Now, let me state first that I get it. To some, choosing to be a full time mom/ homemaker/ whatever you want to call it seems archaic. It seems that we can have "more" than that and that those of us who willingly choose this role are somehow not as bright, or talented, or dedicated to ourselves as we should/ could be. And the truth is that for some that may be true. For some; however, and I consider myself to be one of these people, we are mothers and could be anything we want to be. We could be lawyers or doctors and anything in between, but we choose motherhood. Now, before anyone gets carried away and takes this entry personally, please know that I don't think that anyone is entirely right or wrong on either side of the great debate. Yesterday's entry got me thinking though. Do we hide behind guilt to avoid the work of living and say that we are simply living for our kids? Are we wallowing in the muck of mommy and complaining that we don't have enough time for ourselves, when we could and should be making that a priority? Well, the truth is that I think that only one person can really answer that. You, for you...not for me or for any other mother out there. I can't begin to know what it's like to be in anyone else's shoes. Mothering is a full time labor of love, whether you get the choice to be home full time or you get the choice of working at something you love... or maybe you don't have a choice but to work to provide. You are all still mothers first. Well, at least that is what I think. Mother is not a four letter word. It is an honor and a full time gig. To underestimate a mother is an exercise in futility. You have no idea what we are capable of. Why are we less than because we are mothers? Why do we think that we have any right to diminish this job and by extension, this woman?

I believe in the eternal nature of Motherhood. That doesn't mean that everyone else does, or that I expect that. The job at hand is to create and produce and nurture a new generation and that doesn't happen by accident. These babies are a majestic destiny in a fragile world and I don't trust just anyone to do the job of raising them. I know that I have an absolutely divine calling in being their mother. They, for whatever reason, chose me and it is my privilege to know them, let alone be their mother. Whether I get to the gym, or get a night out every now and then is not what defines me or makes me happy. Certainly we would all do better to take better care of ourselves. Walk more. Breathe more. Sleep more. Laugh more. Would I like to be strong and vibrant? Yes. That is a goal. I am happy to wake up with them. I am happy to sit and talk to them. I am happy to turn out the lights at the end of a good day and know that they are all safe and sound and taken care of. I am happy that they are mine and I am theirs. I am happy being Mom.

May we honor Mother, honor ourselves and support each other in these paths we are on. Remember well that we are all on the same path, the sets are just a little different and the characters are never the same.

I read this article by Jane Clayson yesterday. It speaks to this topic incredibly well and I hope that you enjoy it.

LDS Living Magazine

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