Saturday, August 22, 2009

What I learned on Larry's 40th birthday

1. He loves the pictures that Kristen took. (check them out)
2. Reading the phrase "hump day" on a restaurant wall is exponentially funnier with two boys who have never heard that phrase before, the meaning had to quickly be explained.
3. Babysitters are glorious!
4. I actually do really like sushi.
5. Ham & Eggs in Lewisville has the biggest pancakes I have ever seen. (see above)
6. Naps run close second to babysitters.
7. Larry actually really likes the new Dodge Charger aka Muscle Car. NEVER would have guessed.
8. My toilets hate us. We now have a back flow problem and have NO idea how to fix it without a plumber. Can you see the same dollar signs I am now seeing?
9. It is high time for our road construction to come to an end.
10. I really, really love Larry and appreciate him and the fact that he is now 4 decades old. So, to Larry I say Happy Birthday and ENJOY every moment of the coming year. We love you so very much.


  1. oh my- the big 40!!!! You old man :) JK!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY GANSON!!! You are a great brother in law and I am definetly glad you stuck around the Whelan clan- even if I only see you once a year!! I hope you had a great birthday- both of you!! Love ya from a far!!

  2. OH MY GOSH!! I absolutely LOVE LOVE those pictures!! Those ones of little miss in that purple dress are beautiful! And I love those ones of both girls!! And the one off all four holding hands-Kristen, time to come to Kansas!!!

  3. Awww... Happy Birthday, big brother!! I know you don't like celebrating, but we like celebrating YOU so you may have to just get over it! :)

    And I apologize... it looks like our curse has entered into your home now. Ouchie!! If it helps, I think it originated in Amber's home so we really have her to blame. Hopefully your new problems won't be too expensive. Ug. Gotta love it!

    See y'all tomorrow!

  4. Awwww... those pictures make my heart melt! LOVE those kids!!! And Kristen, if you don't want to do lots of photo shoots, STOP TAKING SUCH CUTE PICTURES!!! :) Mike's birthday is next month......
