Monday, August 3, 2009


Well, I have to say that I am greeting August with some hesitance and sadness. I thought that so much more would have been accomplished by now. I am not ready to go to school. Larry is leaving again tomorrow. I am feeling a little blue about the whole thing, to be honest. It doesn't help, or maybe it doesn't matter really, that I am turning 36 in two weeks. I like 36. It sounds good to me, so I suppose that I am not really sad about that one. I told Kyra that we would have to celebrate all month long. And I believe that we shall. We are now on countdown to August 24th, which is when school starts. Kierstin is set to start a preschool, don't know which one yet, on September 8th. Countdown is on.

And I have decided to go back to school this semester. Don't know how many credits yet.

I will share pictures and fun stories tomorrow. :) Until then, enjoy the waning days of summer vacation.


  1. Kierstin is starting preschool??? Ok, even I am a little sad about that. I suppose I don't need to rub in that this is your last little one to head off to school.... ouch. Unless you get pregnant!!!! :) Teehee.

    Yes, month-long celebrations are in order! Hopefully it will be a great birth-month for you!! And school on the horizon is actually pretty cool, if you ask me. I say go forth and conquer!

  2. Well, as you know, "Time Travelers Wife" comes out on your birthday..I think it would be a great way to celebrate!! I am sort of shocked that we are in August already. I mean, Mallory is a month old..Kent and Judy are was all too fast. We are gonna cram in as much as we can these last few weeks, and then off to school we go. My preschool decision is changing everyday..but today, he goes 5 days a week no matter the cost!! Enjoy all of your celebrating...glad we will get to be a part of much of it:)

  3. ok, so I want to see Traveler's Wife!! I don't have anyone to go see it with! I am so sad! I agree on a month long birthday! Why do we get just one day! Go for it. And I too am a bit stressed about the whole school thing! But this is my first one to go so I have mixed emotions!

  4. Shall we venture to Kansas to see the movie? I'm game! :)
