Wednesday, April 22, 2009

New York: Part 1

Indeed, I did promise pictures. And I guess that tomorrow came and went and I did not deliver.  So, I apologize.  I think I was in a state of mourning that prevented me from sharing.  Still sort of sad, actually.

It was a very early morning.  Woke up around 4 and out the door by 4:45 am.  Uh huh, AM.  It was all leading up to this moment.  That shot was one of the first views we had of New York City.  It is incredible.

The experience of flying was not something Kyra was looking forward to, but she was great.  When we landed we gathered our things and set off to grab the first of many cabs.

We stayed at the Hilton Times Square.  The inclusion of "Times Square" in any title is enough to make me just giddy.  It was spectacular.  Here is a little glimpse of our view out the windows on the 44th floor of our hotel.

I know that not everyone has the same love for such a sight, but for me...wonderland. So many people, so much energy, so many things to see and do.  The smell is exquisite...not like the clean smell of the ocean, or the fresh smell of a walk in a park, but something that I can't even explain.  You can smell hot dog vendors (had to have Gray's Papaya hot dog.  Amazing.), roasted almonds on every street corner (I don't know why), the subway, the everything.  I told you I can't describe it.  It is a smell that filled me up with so much joy that I felt like I could do anything.  You know that song?  If I can make it there...I'll make it anywhere.  I never, ever would have thought I could "make it there", but I think I was wrong.  I could have made it there.  I could see myself there.  Another time, of course, but I could see it.  Moving on.

There was no shortage of crazies in costumes.  Elmo.  Sponge Bob.  The Statue of Liberty herself.  Everywhere!  It was quite funny.

Once we got checked into the room, Kyra and I set out for our first walk.  We didn't get far though, as we were ready for lunch and there was a fab little place right out behind the hotel.  It's called Schnippers.  Yummy.  As great as it is, and it really is, there was so much more food to come.  I didn't even TRY to count calories.  We had Corned Beef Sandwiches and Cheesecake at Carnegie Deli, the most amazing breakfast I have ever had at the Norma's at Le Parker Meridian, more amazing breakfast at Russ and Daughters where we had the best bagel and lox EVER!  The fine gentlemen that made it called it the Rolls Royce of Bagels and Lox.  There were cupcakes.  First we went to Magnolia Bakery and then on Sunday we stopped in at Crumb's on Madison Avenue.  Take a look.


I didn't love the New York pizza last year, but this year...oh wow.  Kyra LOVED it.  She asked for it every day.  I think we ate the pizza three times when we were there.  For all of the walking we did...we were hungry.  We ate at this little hole in the wall Italian place where the adorable Italian server called me Mama and called Kyra Baby.  From a cute Italian waiter it sounds good, anyone else would sound cheesy.  

What I am trying to say is that we ate a lot of really delicious food.  

There is certainly more to cover, such as the trip to visit Lady Liberty as well as Mary Poppins.  A little bit of trivia that I don't know that many of you will know about:  The very first experience I remember having with any kind of theater was with "Mary Poppins".  I don't remember how old I was, but I couldn't have been any older than Kyra, but I remember Mom playing Mary in a little "road show" at church and I was one of the kids and we sang "Let's Go Fly a Kite".  That is my first memory of loving this whole theater thing.  I could have taken Kyra to see "The Little Mermaid" or "The Lion King" or any number of other shows but this one was the one that meant the most to me.  I don't know if Mom even remembers this, but it stands out for me.  There was also a lot of site seeing, including Central Park, a highlight!  Toys R Us, a 9 story original version of Macy's and so many other things.  More later.  Too much to share in one night.  

Monday, April 20, 2009

We're Ba-a-a-a-ck!

So, I miss it already.  I love New York more than I can say.  I love the smells and the sights and the excitement and energy.  I love the theatre and the restaurants, the pizza and the people watching, the architecture and everything in between.  It is a little hard to come home from such excitement to cleaning muddy paw prints and whiny children, not that I don't love this life of mine, because I so do...but I am certain that my alter ego is living in a fabulous apartment in New York, starring in amazing shows and hanging out at the museums and libraries and hidden vintage clothing stores.  She has far more "cool" factor going on and she is amazing.   I am sure that she would be wishing for my life with children in a suburb in Texas though.  Anyway, much to tell but I am dragging and need to sleep!  Pictures tomorrow.  Promise.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

New hair-Again

Ok, so I absolutely HATED my hair cut so I went back in to have her cut it again.  I despise when people do that and I felt so bad,  but I just really couldn't get my hair to do anything.  So, Kierstin and I were playing around on the camera and I thought I would share my new cut, that I love!  Love, love, love, love.  Did I mention that I kind of like it?  We will see how it does after I style it myself, but when you can like your hair right after you leave the salon, someone did something right.  It's a little bit "stacked" in the back, but not too much.  It flips where it needs to and is much more flattering than before.  Thank goodness.  I needed it.  

Just wanted to share.  Now off to pick up round 1 of the hooogly-boooglies.

I guess it's time.

I am done.  I want these things out of my house.  I do love a baby in diapers and the sweet chunky legs that go with them, BUT when the patient in question is almost 3, it starts to look a little silly.  Now.  She has NO desire, none!  She thinks it's funny when we ask her.  She runs.  She laughs.  She says no.  I have elected not to push it because I figured we should wait until she expressed more interest.  But nothing!  I am heading out of town as you know, but when I get back!

When I get back!!!  Ha!  That's false bravado if I have ever heard it.  Maybe Michelle will take care of it while I am gone.  :)  

Maybe "Potty Patty" will have more success.  But I do concede that when a child is big enough to bring you the diapers and wipes and say in a clear sentence that she needs a new diaper and then throw said diaper away...

Here's your sign!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

How did I miss this???

She came out with her 10th CD and I missed it.  I mean, I have it now, of course, but I didn't even realize that there was a new CD.  It came out right about the time that the kids started to get sick, so I suppose it is on the list of things that time forgot with the massive energy swallowed up by the flu.  

Not to worry though.  The situation has been handled.

Stupid parenting!

Is it too late to back out?  I mean, I want them to still live here and all, because I really like them, but I don't want to parent anymore.  I don't.  I am not feeling all that qualified and I think I should be on the list of layoffs for the year and get government benefits.  It happens, right?  No, you say.  

Ok, look.  12 year old boys are making me crazy.  All of them.  They are sarcastic and gross and pushing their limits across the board.  They want to be independent and still be little boys when they want something.  They want things done their way and they don't want to take responsibility for their actions.  Now, I realize that there are many wonderful examples of 12 year old boys who don't act this way and I congratulate the parents of those boys.  The boys I see in and out of my house and surrounding the one I gave birth to are...making my head hurt, and it's only 8:38 in the morning.

The problem is that the problem is me.  I mean, they are 12 and acting out and exploring new behaviors and seeking independence and such and I am the parent.  I am getting more bothered than I should and I know that I have to learn to deal or I will make myself crazy before he hits 13.  And this is only the beginning.  I know that Kimball is a very good kid and that we have little to complain about in the grand scheme of things.  We don't have the trouble that a lot of parents are dealing with, so far.  But I am not good with bad behavior.  It makes my head HURT!  

I think I will just have to crawl back in bed with Kierstin and watch "Finding Nemo" for the 10th time in 3 days.  She has found a new favorite.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It is April.  I had set a goal for myself to be at a healthier weight by the time I got on the plane for New York this weekend.  I didn't make that happen.  Excuses are plentiful, reasons are many, but at the end of the day I have not made the changes.  Oprah's call made me laugh but it also pushed me a little.  Now, she hasn't called back and I don't think she is because the truth is that I don't think I am a serious enough case for the show they are doing.  Now, if they do end up calling then I will take all the help I can get.  For now, I seek motivation in images of healthy strong gorgeous women!  I get it.  I am not pushing to look like this, though wouldn't that be cool?!  I would like to be closer to this than not.  And right now, it is safe to assume the "not" category.  But!  I will yet prevail.  I have been complaining about this for far too long and now it is affecting our children.  Kyra says she is the slowest runner in her grade and it makes her sad.  Fitness has not been a priority here and that must be altered.  Quickly.  I don't have a plan or a mantra yet but I sure do like the look of this particular image of motivation.  Here's hoping.  And, by the way, I am not setting any unrealistic lose 30 pounds in 30 days kind of goals.  I just want to see the scale move in the right direction to start with.  That's the first goal.  

Monday, April 13, 2009

Mud everywhere!

It's Monday and I have to say that so far this has been a glorious Monday, except for one little thing...the mud.  The kids all went to school.  Larry is traveling.  Kierstin slept in.  I slept while she slept.  The kitchen is clean after a fun Easter weekend.  It rained, which is always nice...except for one thing.  The mud.  Our precious dog has tracked mud from one end of this house to another.  On the couches.  On the beds.  On the carpet.  The kitchen floor.  Does anyone want to clean up this much mud?  Didn't think so.  But the good news is that the mud is our biggest challenge of the day.  So far.  I know better than to count my chickens before they hatch.  Chili is on the menu for the night and we rented "The Tale of Despereaux" which makes for a lovely evening with the critters.  I will have to set to wiping some things down soon though.  But then again, once he goes out again, he will just get muddy again.

Saturday, April 11, 2009

Photobucket FUN!!!

Well, as you can see, I have changed a few things again.  I have added pictures over there that will make it so easy to update you with ongoing new photos, as I have them.  I have changed the theme, well, because I am waiting for cakes to bake for tomorrow and I can.  So, enjoy and I hope that you are all getting the sleep needed for your big weekend ahead.  I think I shall head that way myself.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009


By way of update...we are now considering the possibility of not actually relocating up there.  We are looking at the idea of us all traveling up that way over the summer for a month, or so and then we would come home and start school as normal while Larry heads back up north returning about once a month through Christmas.  After that would depend on money because we would like to take the kids up there for the Games, but money will be in charge by then.  We are STILL waiting to hear a final offer and then we will compare the two ideas and attempt to make the best decision.  I am sure that we will run it by you all first, just in case.  :)

That's really all I had tonight.  I am feeling better and now ready to head off to bed.  I will post more tomorrow, with pictures!

Monday, April 6, 2009

Oprah, New York, Vancouver and Turkey

Yes.  I got sick.  I have been bitter today.  Very bitter.  Angry at all who crossed my path and some who crossed my path only in distant memories and stupid commercials.  But, then.  Then in the throws of a near breakdown as I was hiding in my shower from all who said my name, my phone rang.  It was a number I didn't know.  I didn't get out of the shower to answer it.  I listened to the voice mail and laughed out loud.  I had prayed for one moment of relief and comic relief was in order.  It was a call from Dana at Harpo.  Uh, huh.  Harpo.  Oprah.  That one.  She wanted to talk to me about a segment she has coming up.  Now this wasn't a mere coincidence.  I did submit a little note last week about the idea of gaining, what do they call it...falling off the weight wagon after losing weight.  I did.  Laugh.  It is funny.  I'd like to state that I was feeling sorry for myself and trying to just vent to someone, someone I NEVER thought would respond.  And.  They did.  So, we talked and I answered lots of questions and then she asked me to send in pictures.  Before, when I was thinner, and now, that I am not.  I had help from Kaden and Larry pointing out the skinny and the fat.  If I were in a different mental state that might have really offended me.  I can call it what it is though.  I had lost weight.  And then I found it.  And they might think it's worth a story.  They might not, but it was a highlight of my otherwise irritating day.

And then, New York.  Kyra and I are going to see "Mary Poppins"on Broadway after we visit the Statue of Liberty and eat at some fabulous New York eatery and that makes me feel just wonderful.  I was excited to go and now I am overjoyed.  I got discount tickets for Orchestra seating and I can't wait.

Vancouver?  Well, she called.  Christy, the producer, that is.  It looks like it is still on and they will be expecting him June 1st, instead of May and we would go at the beginning of July allowing us to have Kyra's baptism, birthday party, and enjoy the birth of a baby or two.  That makes me happy.  The money thing is still in talks but it is looking better.  Marginally, but better.  Larry is getting a couple of other jobs between now and then so we should be ok.

And Turkey.  So, this dress that I ordered for Kierstin a little while ago got here today.  I didn't realize it at the time, but it was made by a sweet girl in her home in Turkey and she shipped it to me.  And this is what precious, who feels miserable right now, looks like in that precious little dress.  (if you don't love it, keep it to yourself because I DO!)

Sunday, April 5, 2009

General Conference update!!!

So, in the sickness and mayhem of this past week, General Conference has seeped into the weekend without much fanfare, except to say that we did manage to watch the first half of the Saturday morning session with children watching the Primary talk and Kimball watching to YM talk.  Then, the wiggles that had temporarily left the children as the sickness left absolutely no room for them, came back with a vengeance.  It was as if they had an entire week's worth of wiggling and giggling to do all at once.  That was when we went to the park.  And now, this day has ended on a high note and I have set to my nightly task of scouting around the internet until sleep takes over and I found a few wonderful resources.  It may be too late to take advantage of them, but I bet a couple of them could still be very helpful.  Here you go:

MormonMamma shared this and I loved the whole thing!

Actually, they have lots of things over there that I love so I am adding that blog to my blog roll over there.  Stalk at will.

And then, of course, this article is great!

And we can't forget Sugardoodle!:  This one is one among many, but you get to search over there for yourself.  It's part of the fun.

Surely there are more and I am sure we could go on and on.  But I did particularly like the tent idea.  Very cool!  But you have to click to find that one.  :)

Ok, ONE MORE THING~ and then I will really go to bed.
You have to read this.  You must.  It is great.  Well, I think you should.
I am adding her to the blog roll too.  

Saturday, April 4, 2009

So, guess what.

We seem to be almost, mostly on the mend.  We even went to the park today.  Not to worry.  I chose one that had no children there at all and we enjoyed chicken from our newest Highland Village opening at "Chicken Express".  (We can't get anything original or interesting, but we can get another chain.  Ha!)  We sat at a picnic table and enjoyed a wonderful breeze and children playing as children do, torturing each other and all.  I have noticed something funny these past few days though.  These children have each been as sick as I have seen them, not one more than the other, all very miserably sick.  And yet, once one feels a tiny bit better their memory gets fuzzy as to how bad the other one actually feels and they feel a need to irritate that poor person.  It's as if they completely forget how bad they feel.  I will tell you that today is the first day that I thought I might break down in tears.  When they were all sick together I could go from one poor baby to the next and tend to their needs and know how much they needed me.  However, having one or two feel a little better, and two still pretty sick was more than I could take.  Their needs were exhausting and I thought I would lose my mind.  But, it is 9:45 and they have been sleeping now for about 20 minutes in their own beds.  The angels as singing in my head right now and that baby from Ally McBeal is dancing again.  Happy times.  I am still concerned about Kimball though.  He got sick first and has shown no real sign of improvement.  I mean, he still has his fever and the glassy eyes.  He is achy and just can't seem to shake this.  He isn't coughing like he was yesterday, which is really good.  I think he is just the poor sap who is down with this flu bug for a few more days.  I may have to pull the kid out of school after all just to get him all caught up to finish the 6th grade!  How do you catch a child up after this many days out???  A question for another day because right now it is quiet and I intend to enjoy it as long as possible.  Have a wonderful night all!

Friday, April 3, 2009


Ok.  I think I can safely say that I am done.  I mean, I am clearly not done as the little ones are still sick.  They day was a little better than yesterday for a little while but just when I start to think that one is feeling better, such as Kyra for example, I am quickly reminded of how much her head aches and then I check her temperature only to find out that she is still running a darn fever.  Oh, that fever monster is not my friend.  Today was particularly hard on Kaden and Kierstin as they are three days behind Kimball and Kierstin.  

It has just occurred to me that I used to think that I might have had something interesting to say in life and all I am talking about, for days now, is sickness and imaginary monsters that have taken over these children.  I think that delusion has set in on a much larger scale than before.  I used to think I might be an interesting, intelligent, forward thinking, a little bit liberal and altogether a wee bit funnier than this!   !!!!!!!!!!!!   

(Oh, you should hear the little voice in my head right about now.)

And.  I'm ok.  I am healthy and still able to care for the little beasties and that I am grateful for.  I will be profoundly grateful when they are better and able to play outside and get back to the business of being children in a beautiful Spring in Texas.  

It's 5am. It has started again.

Actually, it started about 2 hours ago, but that was only one child and I was able to crawl back into bed with little more than giving a dose of medicine to keep the Fever Monster at bay.  But that little monster had other plans somewhere around 4:30.  In the morning.

Let's back up and state that around 11:30 pm last night was the hour that I finally managed to see the last of the four drift off into sleep and I sat down to download a new Hilary Weeks CD, read a little of a book that was recommended to me by my visiting teacher called "The Peacegiver" and then take 2 Advil PM's and crawl into my bed with a sleeping 12 year old.  Back to this morning.  Kyra had stumbled in with a fever that was making her head ache about an hour ago.  Medicine.  Something to drink, though to be honest, I can't recall what I gave her, and tucked back into the comfy couch in the living room.  She thinks it's more cozy and much closer to me when she is up at such hours.  Then comes Kaden.  Oh, he is miserable.  Remember that he is behind on this show by 2 days, so his symptoms are more severe at this point.  Fever up to 103.  Bad deep cough.  I give him medicine.  He coughs a lot.  He throws it up.  Into the bath to help the fever and calm his nerves so that we can try round 2 of meds.  In the meantime, I hear a little bird whimpering upstairs.  It's all she can do as she has lost her voice.  In stumbles Kimball who has a rather pained look on his face and is clutching his chest.  His cough is horrible.  Tears are shed, not for the first time in this you understand.  I have Kaden getting in the tub, Kyra mumbling a little on the couch, Kierstin whimpering and Kimball really needs a breathing treatment.  I am having some trouble with the little magic machine that helps them to breath.  I have to figure that out.  Now, Kierstin and Kyra have drifted off to sleep, Kimball is in between but snug in my bed and Kaden is out and freshly bathed with a now 101 degree fever.  He did get some medicine in him but we shall see if sleep will be his friend or not...or mine, for that matter.  The house is still again after this latest episode.  And it's only 5:18am.

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ah, the flu

Well.  That was a long night.  I am awake once again with the sounds of deep coughs and wheezing and the repetitive moans and whimpers of pitiful little creatures.  I did not, after all, have to take Larry to the airport.  I think he noticed the flu care paraphernalia strewn about the house, the meticulous notes on times of medicine given and what the temperatures were of these poor babies, and he took sympathy on me and left me sleeping.  (with a sweet whispered good-bye and take care of yourself before he left)  And now, as I look around, all I can see is a minefield of sick little kids.  Even Kimball, who I supposed was on the mend, has come back down with a 102 degree fever and this same deep cough that is requiring breathing treatments for all.  

I can honestly say that the flu sucks.  I believe this will be another one of those "anything that makes you feel better, sleep when you can, watch movies and cuddle" kind of days.  (With a continued prayer that my imminent sickness will be gentle.)

Hope you are having a healthier day than we are.  And as my neighbor Vicki has said, it may be time to call in the HAZMAT team and sterilize our home and all of its inhabitants.

Shhh. It's quiet.

It's about midnight over here and all is quiet and everyone seems tucked in, medicated and cozy for a little while.  I am overjoyed at the silence.  So much so that I am now not tired.  It is a constant cycle for me.  The flu that has abducted my family has left me with very sad, tired, icky kids.  Kyra had a really bad day on Sunday and it has been up and down from there.  Kimball has been consistently not well with the fever and all.  Of course, he was declared "the boy who cried wolf" with all of his missed days and we nearly made him go back to school on Tuesday despite his insistence that was not feeling well.  I know that he made that bed all by himself, and still I feel bad that we were so cross with him about it.  He actually is sick.  His doctor actually said that he was not to go back to school until Monday.  It's on the doctor's note.  Hmmm.

And then Kaden and Kierstin started up yesterday.  Today has been their worst day so far.  Poor Kierstin has had the same high fever that Kyra had and has also had trouble with breathing and coughing.  I have had to dump her into the tub a couple of times.  I had to wake her up to give her Motrin so that we could keep the fever down.  She looks like she is crying, even when she isn't.  The poor thing is just miserable.  Hopefully she will wake up a little better in the morning.  Kaden has kept a pretty brave face but when it hits him, it gets him in bed with flushed cheeks and a massive headache.  I think he even fell asleep in his clothes because he didn't have the energy to change.  I am expected another round of crying and coughing sometime between now and 7am when I have to take Larry to the airport.  While it is not the most convenient trip at that hour, I know that he NEEDS to be out on the road when we have this much sickness.  I am hoping that he doesn't get it as well.  Seriously.  

Well.  As for me, I am hanging in there.  No flu to speak of...yet.  I am just truly hoping that it works out that if I do get it, I am spared the 7 days of it.  I am pretty confident that I need this to be vacated by Sunday night so that all can go back to school on Monday and we can pick back up where we dropped off the face of the earth this week.  

Wednesday, April 1, 2009