Monday, April 20, 2009

We're Ba-a-a-a-ck!

So, I miss it already.  I love New York more than I can say.  I love the smells and the sights and the excitement and energy.  I love the theatre and the restaurants, the pizza and the people watching, the architecture and everything in between.  It is a little hard to come home from such excitement to cleaning muddy paw prints and whiny children, not that I don't love this life of mine, because I so do...but I am certain that my alter ego is living in a fabulous apartment in New York, starring in amazing shows and hanging out at the museums and libraries and hidden vintage clothing stores.  She has far more "cool" factor going on and she is amazing.   I am sure that she would be wishing for my life with children in a suburb in Texas though.  Anyway, much to tell but I am dragging and need to sleep!  Pictures tomorrow.  Promise.