Thursday, April 16, 2009

I guess it's time.

I am done.  I want these things out of my house.  I do love a baby in diapers and the sweet chunky legs that go with them, BUT when the patient in question is almost 3, it starts to look a little silly.  Now.  She has NO desire, none!  She thinks it's funny when we ask her.  She runs.  She laughs.  She says no.  I have elected not to push it because I figured we should wait until she expressed more interest.  But nothing!  I am heading out of town as you know, but when I get back!

When I get back!!!  Ha!  That's false bravado if I have ever heard it.  Maybe Michelle will take care of it while I am gone.  :)  

Maybe "Potty Patty" will have more success.  But I do concede that when a child is big enough to bring you the diapers and wipes and say in a clear sentence that she needs a new diaper and then throw said diaper away...

Here's your sign!


  1. Haha, that is funny. I did not know there was a potty patty! I like the idea of Michelle taking charge of that..she may not,but come on...Kierstin does want to make her happy, so I say pay Michelle a good bit extra and have her handle the whole thing:) (Michelle is going to read this and then send me hate mail:)

  2. Hey, if Michelle has success with Kierstin, she can come to my house next! Ok, I realize that 14 (almost 15!) months is quite early for potty training, but I could go without changing diapers for a while. Right? No? Ug.

  3. Potty training aside- if I am having a girl I call dibs on that is so flippin cute:)
