Friday, April 3, 2009


Ok.  I think I can safely say that I am done.  I mean, I am clearly not done as the little ones are still sick.  They day was a little better than yesterday for a little while but just when I start to think that one is feeling better, such as Kyra for example, I am quickly reminded of how much her head aches and then I check her temperature only to find out that she is still running a darn fever.  Oh, that fever monster is not my friend.  Today was particularly hard on Kaden and Kierstin as they are three days behind Kimball and Kierstin.  

It has just occurred to me that I used to think that I might have had something interesting to say in life and all I am talking about, for days now, is sickness and imaginary monsters that have taken over these children.  I think that delusion has set in on a much larger scale than before.  I used to think I might be an interesting, intelligent, forward thinking, a little bit liberal and altogether a wee bit funnier than this!   !!!!!!!!!!!!   

(Oh, you should hear the little voice in my head right about now.)

And.  I'm ok.  I am healthy and still able to care for the little beasties and that I am grateful for.  I will be profoundly grateful when they are better and able to play outside and get back to the business of being children in a beautiful Spring in Texas.  

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