Saturday, April 4, 2009

So, guess what.

We seem to be almost, mostly on the mend.  We even went to the park today.  Not to worry.  I chose one that had no children there at all and we enjoyed chicken from our newest Highland Village opening at "Chicken Express".  (We can't get anything original or interesting, but we can get another chain.  Ha!)  We sat at a picnic table and enjoyed a wonderful breeze and children playing as children do, torturing each other and all.  I have noticed something funny these past few days though.  These children have each been as sick as I have seen them, not one more than the other, all very miserably sick.  And yet, once one feels a tiny bit better their memory gets fuzzy as to how bad the other one actually feels and they feel a need to irritate that poor person.  It's as if they completely forget how bad they feel.  I will tell you that today is the first day that I thought I might break down in tears.  When they were all sick together I could go from one poor baby to the next and tend to their needs and know how much they needed me.  However, having one or two feel a little better, and two still pretty sick was more than I could take.  Their needs were exhausting and I thought I would lose my mind.  But, it is 9:45 and they have been sleeping now for about 20 minutes in their own beds.  The angels as singing in my head right now and that baby from Ally McBeal is dancing again.  Happy times.  I am still concerned about Kimball though.  He got sick first and has shown no real sign of improvement.  I mean, he still has his fever and the glassy eyes.  He is achy and just can't seem to shake this.  He isn't coughing like he was yesterday, which is really good.  I think he is just the poor sap who is down with this flu bug for a few more days.  I may have to pull the kid out of school after all just to get him all caught up to finish the 6th grade!  How do you catch a child up after this many days out???  A question for another day because right now it is quiet and I intend to enjoy it as long as possible.  Have a wonderful night all!

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