Tuesday, April 14, 2009


It is April.  I had set a goal for myself to be at a healthier weight by the time I got on the plane for New York this weekend.  I didn't make that happen.  Excuses are plentiful, reasons are many, but at the end of the day I have not made the changes.  Oprah's call made me laugh but it also pushed me a little.  Now, she hasn't called back and I don't think she is because the truth is that I don't think I am a serious enough case for the show they are doing.  Now, if they do end up calling then I will take all the help I can get.  For now, I seek motivation in images of healthy strong gorgeous women!  I get it.  I am not pushing to look like this, though wouldn't that be cool?!  I would like to be closer to this than not.  And right now, it is safe to assume the "not" category.  But!  I will yet prevail.  I have been complaining about this for far too long and now it is affecting our children.  Kyra says she is the slowest runner in her grade and it makes her sad.  Fitness has not been a priority here and that must be altered.  Quickly.  I don't have a plan or a mantra yet but I sure do like the look of this particular image of motivation.  Here's hoping.  And, by the way, I am not setting any unrealistic lose 30 pounds in 30 days kind of goals.  I just want to see the scale move in the right direction to start with.  That's the first goal.  


  1. I wanna look like that!! I can't wait to start losing weight!! I am not weighing myself till about 6 wks after baby is born but then i am getting into "kick butt" motion and losing this blasted weight- its sooo annoying

  2. Ohhh the never-ending battle! Stupidly, I find myself all the more frustrated with the fight at this point because I'm so much closer than I ever have been and yet these last 10 or 15 pounds are so freaking hard. But... WE will indeed prevail. I've come this far, which means that anyone can... and it means that if I can get to this point, surely I can go the rest of the way. Thanks for giving me a little needed motivation as well. Maybe when we've all lost the weight, we can all go on Oprah together as the five HOT Whelan women who lost all kinds of weight!

  3. I think this may be of some help. It looks like a pretty solid idea.


  4. Heather, I am really just tired of you posting pictures of my body on your blog!! I mean, I realize that you changed her face, so as to attempt to disguise my obvious fortune, but really..like everyone does not still know that is me!! :)
