Thursday, April 2, 2009

Ah, the flu

Well.  That was a long night.  I am awake once again with the sounds of deep coughs and wheezing and the repetitive moans and whimpers of pitiful little creatures.  I did not, after all, have to take Larry to the airport.  I think he noticed the flu care paraphernalia strewn about the house, the meticulous notes on times of medicine given and what the temperatures were of these poor babies, and he took sympathy on me and left me sleeping.  (with a sweet whispered good-bye and take care of yourself before he left)  And now, as I look around, all I can see is a minefield of sick little kids.  Even Kimball, who I supposed was on the mend, has come back down with a 102 degree fever and this same deep cough that is requiring breathing treatments for all.  

I can honestly say that the flu sucks.  I believe this will be another one of those "anything that makes you feel better, sleep when you can, watch movies and cuddle" kind of days.  (With a continued prayer that my imminent sickness will be gentle.)

Hope you are having a healthier day than we are.  And as my neighbor Vicki has said, it may be time to call in the HAZMAT team and sterilize our home and all of its inhabitants.

1 comment:

  1. Well, I cant say that I envy any of this!! The kids were making me crazy last night, not to mention to people at Michaels (but that is another fight:), but then I realized that it could be worse...I could be you right now!! Glad you did not have to get up this morning for sure! Of course, let me know when you need something, but otherwise..we will see you when this is all done! (Ryan said unless you feel like they need a blessing, then he will come down in his scrubs, and face masks, and offer that service:) Keep us posted!
