Thursday, January 1, 2009

2009 as of today

I wrote that last entry back in December.  I had such clarity that night and wanted to capture what I was feeling before all of the games began with family Christmas festivities, and there have been plenty.  We have had so much celebrating and partying.  I am so grateful for the family that I have, near and far.  It has been such a treat to share this sweet Christmas with cousins and brothers and sisters, to have what can only be described as somewhat organized chaos and have the chance to catch up with each other.  With that amount of fun however, there has been limited time to reflect on 2008 and plan for 2009.  On the line of self-mastery, I have decided to slow things down with the blog.  I mean, it has been really slow this last week or so, but for the longer term I want to commit myself to eliminating some unnecessary distractions.  I admit that I spend entirely too much time here.  I check the emails and look at houses that I am not buying.  I post pictures and blog stalk like the rest of you.  But really, I have so many things that need my attention and this is my way of avoiding.  So, forgive my selfish endeavor, but I am going to make the commitment to spend far less time on my computer and more time in my home with the children and focusing on some of the things that get pushed aside.  I will, of course, catch up when needed, but I will have to say good night for a time in the hopes that I might tune in to my life a little more.

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