Saturday, January 10, 2009

Well, this is a good one

Ok, I am still not so good at the choosing a layout, I can choose many, but getting the downloaded the right way is kind of irritating.  So, we'll go with this.

So, it has been some time and I should say that we are off to a good start this new year.  I don't have any big stories but we have had lots of mini-victories this past week or so.  Larry is in Detroit..SNOWING and 12 degrees or so.  You know how funny that is.  Actually, he is kind of miserable up there and isn't sure whether or not he can get home on the only day that he gets home in three weeks.  Fortunately he is keeping busy as many of his friends and co-workers are having a tough time finding work.  That keeps him on his toes.  

I feel as if all of the children grew a few inches in the last few weeks.  I look at them and they are all so big.  Overnight.  I can't believe it.  I am working towards being healthier.  I am looking for ways to stay active and I think I am possibly close to weaning the cokes completely out of my system.  Cold turkey does not work for me.  I am less than pleasant those days.  SO, I am down to one a day this week.  I can say that Kimball put his arms around me yesterday and looked at me and said "You're losing weight Mom".  I like that kind of hug.

Oh...and look what I found!!!  Michael lost this on the one night that he stayed here and I just found it...under Kimball's night stand in his room.  I thought that Dante had some aversion to our house...turns out this book just really wanted to stay here with Kimball.  :)

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