Friday, January 23, 2009

Projects for the sake of Projects

Ok.  Larry has called me out.  Is it true?  Could it be?  Am I THAT person?

Do I take on projects for the sake of projects?  Is it possible that I seek out the work and distraction of projects just because?  Case in point:

I had a little "Room Mom" meeting this morning. (I am that person)  In that meeting it was shared that a particularly unkind individual would likely be our PTA president for the next two years.  Most sane people would not care, why do I care?  WHY DO I CARE?  I proceed to utter the words, "I would rather get back in a board position as VP with another clueless mom like myself than have this other person in that role."  WHAT!   I would absolutely NOT want to be on the board again.  Not under any circumstances.  Rest easy, I did not share that little thought with anyone that would actually take me up on it.  But still.  WHAT WAS I THINKING!

And then, just a couple of days ago I made what I believed to be a pretty good decision.  I thought that it was time for me to let go of the idea of acting again, ever.  EVER!  Now, some of you know what that means and some of you may think I should have thought that a long time ago.  I felt pretty good about it.  Until.  I opened an email from a local theatre who is auditioning for "The Glass Menagerie" in two weeks.  I don't know that I am right  for either of the roles in the play but the thought of it made  me a little giddy.  I actually pulled out the script, read a bit of it and started formulating  a plan, as if I would be cast in this play at the respected theatre.  Now I am not suggesting that I don't have, or once had, the talent to pull it off... but I mean, really?  I was ready to be done and move into a new phase.  Well, recognize that I had moved into that place a LONG time ago.

And then, there is the house hunting, puppy searching for puppies I DO NOT want!  The house remodeling, or plans of remodeling...what is it with me?  It is not as if I don't have anything to do.  Hmmph.

And, why aren't you people posting anything on your blogs?  BORING!


  1. Yeah, I too say give it a shot..I mean, what is the worst thing that could happen?? And, I am not posting because, unlike you, I am very boring these days, and nothing is happening in my life!! No exciting projects, no fun projects with the kids..NOTHING!! Our only excitement is RJ potty training, and I already did that post! Lame, I know, I cant help it..I am a lame, boring poor kids! Someday.....

  2. I third that notion!!! Seriously Heather, AUDITION! Do it as a birthday present to me. Or Lacey. Or whomever it is that might compel you to actually do it. Projects are not bad things. Seek your adventure. Do something new. A sense of accomplishment is a wonderful feeling so go forth and accomplish! :)
    And I am presently working on a new post...

  3. How long can it POSSIBLY take to create a post? I keep checking in eager anticipation and I find the same post that has been there for a little while. Hurry up woman!

  4. Sorry it took so long. I got sidetracked. New pictures are up. :)

  5. i agree on the acting. You guys are my only claim to fame. I need a new story besides you and Celine. As for blogging- i again agree on that, people need to blog more. You guys got me into this so you need to keep up. On that note I am going to go blog on my own site
