Friday, January 23, 2009

The Glass Menagerie

So.  It seems that some may believe that I ought to audition.  SO, I looked up the character descriptions and here is the part that I would audition for.  No laughter at the similarities please:

Amanda Wingfield

If there is a signature character type that marks Tennessee -Williams's dramatic work, it is undeniably that of the faded Southern belle. Amanda is a clear representative of this type. In general, a Tennessee Williams faded belle is from a prominent Southern family, has received a traditional upbringing, and has suffered a reversal of economic and social fortune at some point in her life. Like Amanda, these women all have a hard time coming to terms with their new status in society—and indeed, with modern society in general, which disregards the social distinctions that they were taught to value. Their relationships with men and their families are turbulent, and they staunchly defend the values of their past. As with Amanda, their maintenance of genteel manners in very ungenteel surroundings can appear tragic, comic, or downright grotesque. Amanda is the play's most extroverted and theatrical character, and one of modern American drama's most coveted female roles (the acclaimed stage actress Laurette Taylor came out of semi-retirement to play the role in the original production, and a number of legendary actresses, including Jessica Tandy, have since taken on the role).

Maybe I could give it a shot.  :)  I suppose I could come out of semi-retirement to play such a coveted role...if they'll have me.  And even if they won't, I will have done it.  Wahoo!


  1. Why is Mom up at 11:41 commenting on your blog. Go to bed! All of us need to go to bed!

  2. Why is Mom up? Really? The better question is when does she actually go to sleep?

  3. i can't believe any of you were still up so late-Crazy

  4. You know I think you should give this one a shot! :) You'd be so wonderful in this one. And if you get it, I will be coming to witness this return to stage. If you'll have me.


  5. Oh, thats exciting. I wanna see it when you get the part.

    American drama's most coveted female roles...hmm, sounds juicy!
