Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Chocolate chip cookies and sick kids

Ok.  There is darkness still hanging on outside, and a very chilly morning.  My floors are mopped, laundry is ALL done and I sit here half proud of what a successful day was had yesterday and half, a larger half, troubled by what is to come today.  Let me explain.

So this 4 day weekend was a little bit of a bust around here.  We were on a tight budget and remained homebound.  If I had the midas touch on keeping kids entertained things might have been different.  As it was, I didn't feel well at all and it made me a tad, um, grumpy.  Try as I might, the grump was hard to shake off.  So, Friday, Saturday and Sunday were spent keeping time with ornery children, each taking their turns needing something, anything, everything, from me...sometimes not taking their turns come to think of it.  Kierstin was particularly fun.  She is, by the way, up already!  She is on my bed with juice and cartoons, but she is definitely not supposed to be up yet.  Not a good sign.  So.  I was just hanging on for dear life by the time we got to Sunday night.  I admit it.  I was not a fun, cool, full of patience and ideas kind of mom this weekend.  I was a "go find something to do, make your own waffles, and stop fighting with each other" kind of mom.  It happens.  Monday came and I just didn't feel better.  We laid around until around 10:30 and then I just had to get up and be MOM again.  The kids were actually all happy, well, satisfied and situated.  (that counts right?)  But I felt bad.  I could feel the itchings of a negligent mother and thought I needed to change my mood.  (Remember that I am not drinking cokes also.)  So, I promised the kids chocolate chip cookies, homemade.  We spent the day enjoying the beautiful weather, playing with friends and catching up with a little bit of fun before we go back to school today.  

Or, so I thought.

Yep. They are all sick.  K K K K, all of them.  Now, Larry comes home tonight.  You know what that means.  LLLLL and K K K K.  But, the floors are mopped, the laundry is done and we made homemade chocolate chip cookies.  I feel pretty good about that.  It's early in this historic day, but I am hoping for the best.  I was so looking forward to having the house back to myself for one more morning, but...

And, I was right about the chocolate chip cookies.  Of the diet devil.  (though I did not break out a coke, too.)  

I do want to add that I am particularly excited for today. I don't have the jumping beans that Oprah has about the whole thing, but I do feel a genuine thrill about the Inauguration and this new day that comes wrapped up with Obama.  I found myself tearing up many times yesterday as I watched clips of this presidential election and of this man, and his family.  I don't know what is in store but I do know that people are inspired.  America feels like a new energy is moving in.  Enjoy this historic day, put your flags out and watch along with the rest of the world.  This will be one of those days not to be missed in American History.  Like his politics or not, this is amazing.  I think I will go put my flag out now.  I don't have kids to get to school after all.


  1. i must not be in a Patriotic mood- I'm just getting my hair done, haven't watched anything on the news yet! I know, I suck. By the way, if you r really bored you could send some of those home made cookies this way. WE all know how good I am at making cookies so..... Needless to say, homemade cookies don't happen around our house!!!

  2. I heard a story on the radio this morning about a Swedish woman who has won her case to get rehab to deal with her Coca Cola addiction. Something to consider...hehe... ;)

    Happy Inauguration Day! I am one of those that feels the new energy moving in, and I, too, got weepy watching the train treck and all the clips and celebrations. He really does inspire me to want to do my part. It's been a long time since I felt that way.


  3. Oh, I need rehab for many things, rehab sounds so luxurious these days...I need rehab just to have rehab. I'm with the girl in Sweden!

  4. Hm...there's a business idea that could make a ton of money I'll bet! Someone needs to open a rehab house for people who just want to go to rehab for 30 days. :) I'm so there!
