Thursday, January 29, 2009

The "Hallelujah" Chorus is Ringing through the halls!

They are headed back to school. 

I know, take a moment and just let that soak in.  I love my children, don't get me wrong.  But my four babies along with one or two or six extra kiddos from across the neighborhood make for a very busy, loud and sometimes frustrating break.  By yesterday afternoon the children were all bouncing off the walls.  I will say though that in the last two days my house has gotten incredibly clean.  Incredibly.  Clean.  Larry is home for a few more days before he heads out to Washington DC and then somewhere in Louisiana for the BASS Championship.  And then he delicately approaches the subject of the Winter Olympics again.  He is set to go out to run some test events for about a month, that I already know...but they are asking him to reconsider coming on full time until the Games.  Full time?  I don't know yet what that means but I will keep you posted.  I do know that he is nervous about the economy so he may well take it.  But it wouldn't be the kind of thing that would move all of us up to Vancouver for a year.  Yikes.  We shall see.  Maybe I shouldn't be auditioning after all.  

To that end, I did set up an audition time.  I am wavering on which role to audition for.  I don't pass for 23, for the daughter...but I don't pass for the mother of a 23 year old yet either.  I hope I don't.  It's not film though, so I guess you just audition and see what they have it mind.  Speaking of theatre.  As you know, I have spent some time on facebook lately.  I know, I have been cheating on my blog with facebook, not cool.  In that time; however, I have found so many old friends from long, long ago.  Kathie Kynerd and Deanna Boone from MS, so many actor friends from high school days and even the Wheeler family from Hatcher road way back in Florida days.  It is a fun trip down memory lane.  Distracting, but fun.  

So.  Kimball is now on his way to school and I am headed back to my bed until little k wakes up and calls my name.  It's the least I can do on this cold and foggy morning.


  1. If they have a good make-up artist, you can be aged for the mother role. How big is the theatre?

    On Facebook (you cheating hoo-ah! No, not cool. Hehe... Wait, I don't even have a blog, so I have no room to judge ;) People from my childhood are finding me, too! Our next door neighbors--the 8 kids with whom we built forts out of couch cushions on snow days, are all on there. There is no hiding anymore!


  2. What is your facebook? I can't find you!
