Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Can't sleep!

I am having trouble falling asleep.  Everyone else is sleeping in my little nook of the world, except me.  I have always had trouble falling asleep, but I have taken the requisite Tylenol PM, needed to kick a headache as well, and still nothin'.  Well, the headache is gone.  I guess that's something.

I am stewing over some things tonight.  I am avoiding this impending holiday, and for no real reason.  I have not yet felt the sweetness that was there last year.  My baby sister is in the middle of a divorce and that has been...well among other things, a reminder of times I have since filed away.   I say filed because I never really let it all go.  I don't think that I can afford the therapy sessions required to truly put it all in its place.  I'm ok with it being there, reminding me to be grateful for my present full life.  I am happy to have the companionship of that memory when I am feeling particularly overwhelmed and I can honestly say to myself, "it could be worse".  The thing is that now I am watching my sister go through it.  While some days are good and some are bad, the ending of a marriage is always heartbreaking, for all parties involved, even us somewhat innocent bystanders.  I am praying for relief for that little family in the coming weeks as they sort our their lives, and separate the lines that have kept them together for nearly 7 years.  Even under the best of circumstances, that dissection is painful.

In other news, Christmas is surely coming whether I am ready or not.  I am ready, for the most part, and I have baked and made candies and decorated and such, but I can't say that I am there yet.  Why is that?  I have no idea.  What I do know is that Brittany is coming with her family, a treat worth every holiday and then some and Michael and his family will get to be here as well, a rocking good time with getting so many of the little ones together.  I am looking forward to the pajama shot on the stairs of my home, where we line them all up, in as smooth a way as possible, and then shoot as many cameras as possible at them hoping to get one good picture.  I am afraid that the children are feeling sort of separate from Christmas as well.  Magic is missing at the moment.  Even the Elves have been quiet.  Gingie has been downright LAZY.

So, tomorrow I wake and hope to bring the magic to life for these four babies and all of the incoming little ones.  I am so happy for all of the families that get there children home for the Holidays and truly can't wait to have so many of them here, under one roof...yep, mine...for what I pray will be a sweet, memorable, if not colorful Christmas season.

There will be pictures soon.  Promise!

I really want to sleep!!!!!!!!

Friday, December 18, 2009

Scissors and Squirrels

Ok, so it's been awhile.  Things have been rather, well...busy.  I could not let this one pass though.  In my morning of phone calls and reality avoiding, I had Kierstin home with me today.  We woke up early and had a long list of things to do.  Let's not forget the reality avoiding that was going on.  So, Kierstin comes in and says to me "I cut my hair".  Well, I see the scissors in her hand and think to myself, she looks normal...I mean, I don't see any obvious damage.  I take the scissors from her and give her a little talking to about not using scissors.  She wanders away.  I then walk into the kitchen where I was met with that!  That image of little lovely locks on the floor.  Uh-huh.  She had cut it.  My response was something akin to feeling great anguish over a missing pet or lost talent show.  ;)  She begins to melt.  MELTTTTTTT.  She is crying and apologizing and saying she wants to be a big girl. Debatable who was more sad at that moment, though her performance was much better than mine.  I obviously had to take her to a professional for redemption and the photos that follow outline what happened next.  I have a sweet little ponytail of her baby hair that could no longer stay attached to her three year old body.  She is growing up fast and finding trouble from time to time.  Can't stop loving that little face and despite my love for her long hair, she is cute with this cut as well.  As a friend said, "very sassy".

And now for the squirrels.

This little creature, cute and cuddly and fun to watch scamper through the yard and laugh at their antics...that little thing that tortures Atticus and loves it...this little thing that we love to see in the trees...THAT little mongrel is chewing up my Christmas lights on the roof.  Chewing right through the power cords, I tell you.  Who knows how to cook a squirrel???

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

What is it about divorce that makes people so mean?

Ok, so as some of you know, my baby sister Kristen is in the beginning phase of getting a divorce.  Divorce on any terms is a miserable process.  Trust me.  When there is a child involved, it can either be

Thursday, December 3, 2009

3 Weeks?!?!?!?!?!?!

I feel as if this has snuck up on me.  Let me be clear: I haven't purchased or made ONE gift!  NOT ONE!  Now, I am a pretty good planner, not great on the execution, but I know how to make lists.  I don't even have a list.  I looked at the calendar and Christmas Eve is EXACTLY three weeks away.  In the middle of that space of time I am headed to Vancouver for 4 days.  Fun, yes, exciting!  Yes, but I can't believe that I haven't done anything yet.  How in the world did I do this to myself?

What are you doing for Christmas gifts?  You may have to double up to make up for my gift deficiency.

Monday, November 30, 2009

Saturday, November 28, 2009

One more thing to be grateful for tonight...

Kierstin on stage

Gratitude wrap up...

Thanksgiving has come and gone.  It is hard to believe that we are already facing December, full speed ahead.  Now, I would like to say that I am ready for it...but that would be a lie.  I am still sort of trying to get caught up from the summer.  Not kidding.  Now, I am up to the task and excited to move in the direction of Christmas and giving and family and fun.  Every single day of December is fun for me.  (Gasp!  Does this mean that we are minutes away from 2010?  My heart is beating a little faster at the thought.)  Advent book is out, the stockings will go up tomorrow, the elves have made their appearance and the lists are being made for Santa.  Larry is out of town again, but home in a couple of weeks to spend 2 whole weeks with us.  As much as I am looking forward to that, I am also hesitant to see it come and go as we will then be without Larry for several months.  It is all part of this crazy business that we agreed to, so onward we press.

I am abundantly grateful for family today, well every day, but particularly this week.  Jon and Jess and Tyson came to visit for the holiday week and I can't tell you how much fun it is to have them here.  When we have visitors, we generally have most of our family together throughout the week.  Visits to my house, fun birthday plans for Ty and time at Mom and Dad's all added up to a wonderful, pretty low stress week.  I know that being a part of a big family comes with its pros and cons, but seeing so many of us together, spending time with my sisters, watching these little monsters grow up together, it is all the stuff that makes me so proud to be a part of this family.  I am grateful for the spouses who continue to put up with/ love and adore each of us.  I am grateful for the peace and safety that we have had the privilege of enjoying.  We have had our struggles and broken bones, but we have been blessed in so many ways that it is hard to complain or even remember those times.  I am continuously grateful for Larry.  He works harder than anyone I know, save maybe my father.  He comes home and relishes time with our children.  He heads back out on yet another airplane knowing that we will be here when he gets back.

I am grateful for each of my four children.  For laughter and super fast growth spurts.  For scraped knees and wounded feelings that allow me a few precious moments to still be "mommy" to even the biggest of my little ones.  I love plotting and planning Holiday wishes for them, knowing that I get more out of their surprise and joy than they could ever know.  I am grateful for friends, especially those of you who truly look out for each other.  Those that go the extra 10 miles, for those who bake bread and share their talents, and play the piano at the last minute for a song in church.  (yes, you!)  I am grateful to be here in this little cove of the world to grow and learn and challenge...and love and laugh.  It is all so much that my heart might burst sometimes.

So, I say...December, bring it on!  I am happy to see you again.

Monday, November 23, 2009

The Big Surprise WORKED!!!

Kansas Surprise
We did it.  We really pulled off a surprise!  As you may know, three of my sisters and I drove up to Kansas City last week to surprise our sweet Brittany.  It was a wonderful weekend and worth every minute.  Here are some shots of the trip and Kristen has more over at her blog.  I wish that we had a shot of Brittany's face to share, but I think that we will all remember her surprise without it...I know she will!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

The morning after

Super Saturday is done.  Well, I have some clean-up to do and lots of organization to do from what turned out to be a wonderful activity.  It was busy, but once the day got started, it was very relaxed and enjoyable.  I loved having the opportunity to visit with my dear friends and watch as they all got to work on their various projects.  I got to sit and hold babies while they worked, and that was a treat indeed.  It was a very long day as we arrived at 8:30 in the morning, and then finally walked out of the building at 4:45.  My kiddos were well taken care of at Amber's house, a true gift for me...being the superwoman that I am and all.  :)

Which leads me to my gratitude today.  I am grateful for sisters.  Sisters that I grew up with and sisters that I love dearly that I have gotten the privilege of knowing.  I have so many amazing women in my life that have come to mean the world to me.  I learn from them, I laugh with them, I even cry with them.  I am grateful for a sisterhood within our church that knows know boundaries.  All over the world there are sisters just like me that lean on each other in times of trial and joy.  I have often marveled at the thought of life without that sisterhood and what a lonely journey that would be.  I am so grateful for each of the women who I call sister.  I am grateful to be so close to so many of my own sisters.   I wish that we had that one more sister down here, but life keeps her in Kansas.  The sisters that have married into our colorful family have added so much joy and well, color. I could go on and on, but today...I am grateful for all of the women in my life.  Thank you for your continued love and laughter.

Friday, November 13, 2009

Gratitude, anyone?

It is hard to believe that it is November, and more than that, that the Holidays are descending all around us and I am not caught up from getting the kids back to school.  (13 weeks ago!)  Christmas carols are wafting through the superstores.  Some neighbors even have their Christmas lights up.  Yes.  They really do.  It is Friday, November 13th and I have not paused for one second to allow the holidays to start in our home.  Thanksgiving is a wonderful time for me.  Last year, as you may recall, I wanted to be grateful daily.  I feel a need to catch up a little as I have missed the first two weeks of this wonderful season.  I hope that you are enjoying your November so far and feel free to join in on the next two weeks of grateful moments.  Share them here if you like, the more the merrier.

Well, given that this week marked the 15th year since Larry and I got married (the first time), it seems appropriate to start there.  Wow.  What a ride this has been, truly the stuff of mini-series drama on late night television.  We have seen bad days, and I can tell you that it was worth every one of them.  I am grateful to have this man.  We have accepted each others flaws, which is something I have learned to be truly grateful for.  Finding someone who loves you not just in spite of your flaws, but also because of some of them is an amazing thing.  We get married and have such hope, and dreams and sprinklings of delusion...and trust me,  I am good with my delusions of grandeur.  And then Life happens.  And happens, and happens, and happens.  Sometimes we are strengthened by them, and sometimes we crumble.  Larry and I have crumbled many, many times.  Self-inflicted devastation.  But, we rebuild.  And we have.  I love this man so very much and it is strange to me that we have come to this place as I never, ever thought it could happen this way for me...and this man, this particular man.  We laugh at how different we are.  And we are.  In those differences we have found a way to genuinely love each other and support each other.  I am grateful for his work ethic and the way that he loves our family. These children are all so lucky to have him.  I can tell you that it took us a lot of growing up, and yet we are still so immature really.  All in all, I am just so grateful to be in this place, with this man, and our family, and our home, and the good and the bad that comes from raising a family in a time that is increasingly more difficult.  Despite our differences, we are one and I love him and miss him more than I can say.

What are you grateful for today?  What makes you so happy that your heart kind of aches to think about it?  You know exactly what I mean...

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Well, there's been a lot happening this week.  First, Larry had to head back to Vancouver. It was hard to let him go, but also means that we are that much closer to finishing this job.  Monday was Kristen's birthday and she wanted to live large and head to the zoo with the kids.  She had her Carson (3), I had Kierstin (3), Amber had RJ (3), Courtlyn (2) and Mallory (little), and Lindsey had Lacey (2)...and Mom.  That's a lot of strollers and little kids.  Well, we decided to go the Dallas Zoo, which I happen to really like but now see why others might not.  It was a lot of walking for little reward...the animals are rather spread apart and they were just not that active that day.  I think they were all kind of annoyed with our presence frankly.  The McDonald's playplace afterwards was a great deal of fun and then we all headed back home with our worn out children.  I loved having the little ones together and focusing on them.  Take a look at the pictures.  They speak for themselves.  Great fun!

Friday, October 30, 2009


A few weeks ago Mom sent me some photos and asked me to post them.  Here is our little Tyson who we are SO excited to get to see at Thanksgiving this year.  I am sorry that it took me so long to post these, but here he is in all of his hilarious glory.  We all understand that circumstances keep them in Kansas, as well as Britt and her beautiful crew and Michael in Austin with his crew, but we sure do miss them all.  Can't wait to have this little man running around the house again!  We love you Tyson!!!

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Meal Balance

Some of you have heard of this from me.  Some of you have not, but I have to just take a moment and share this little venture I am embarking on.  Let's just start by saying that I am tired of feeling tired.  We know that.  In all of the times I have set out to get healthy, to lose weight, to work out, to stress less, to play many ways are there to get healthy?  More than my wallet can take, that is for sure.  Well, a few weeks ago my good friend Kassie came to me with a plan.  This plan includes 14 breakfasts, 28 proteins, 28 vegetables, and 28 snacks.  All of it.  Cooked fresh and then frozen, shipped to my door overnight and ready to cook in the packaging bags in the microwave, much like steam bags.  The other key factor is the cost.  For all of that I will spend $168. plus 11.95 for overnight shipping on this huge, 26 pound box.  At first I thought she was nuts.  I went to her home and tried the food and I have to tell you, it is so, so good.  I agreed to signing up as I know that I want to get on a better page for health and weight loss, without all of the headache!  Along the way, it has become clear to me that this little venture will also be a profitable business.  Kassie has set herself up in just 3 weeks to have recurring income of $1200/ month.  (an amount that has increased in the last few days, I am sure.)  Curious yet?  Yeah, me too!  So, now I am in a little baby business that is sure to grow quickly.  The first step is to get started and see how much weight I can lose.  If the program works as well as the food tastes, I am sure that this will be great fun!

Also of importance, this program (called Meal Balance, by the way) is 95% gluten free.  It is very Atkins in nature without all of the prep work.  This is a business in the making and for those who might be interested, now is the time to sign up.  Can you tell that I am excited?!?  I really am.  You will be able to follow my progress and stumbles on a new blog in the next few days.  Yep, it's official: I am excited!

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Funny stuff

As you know by now, I follow Stephanie Nielson over at nienie.  Well, today she shares a few stories about her day with her precious children and at the end she recalls something that her husband, Christian, said to their 2 screaming daughters in the shower that  has just made me laugh:  and I quote, 

"Oh girls, guess what? The devil called and said you guys were doing awesome."


Moving on.  Ok, so a lot has happened actually.  Pictures have been taken and I need to share but truthfully I am rather cocooned in the warmth of having my family whole again, if only for 9 1/2 days.  Larry is home and there is no doubt that he is a busy, busy bee.  Fixing, and hanging, and patching, and washing, and EATING, and cooking and eating some more.  No sleeping in over here, in case you were wondering.  I am missing my stolen sleep, but love having him home.  We have faithfully headed over to the Pumpkin Patch, only to tromp through sticky, smelly mud and hay with scents wafting through the crisp fall air that bear little resemblance to Fall and much closer to filthy animals on a hot summer day.  Ick.  Ick.  Ick.  We didn't stay long, though we did get our requisite photos.  In an effort to sustain the children's excitement while guiding them to the car, we offered to carve pumpkins at home.  It worked.  Pizza and pumpkins and another little mess that had much better smells and results than could be found at the farm.  Larry's carving device of choice was a bit more industrial.  (see photo)  The kids all reveled in scooping out "punkin poop", as Kierstin called it.  Pizza was delivered and gobbled up and the night was complete.  Rain has kept things pretty mushy around here, but we thoroughly enjoyed being home and warm and dry and together.  

Friday, October 23, 2009

It's Friday and he is headed home! (and crafting fun)

5 weeks???  Has it really been 5 weeks since we had Larry home?  It is hard to believe how fast time is going by these days.  Some days feel significantly longer than others, but then we get four or five days in a row that feel like one long day.  It is a wonderful chilly morning with actual sunshine and leaves falling from the trees: Fall.  Fall is here and Halloween is right around the corner.  Kimball turns 13 on Sunday, and that makes you really realize just how fast time goes by.  13 years with Kimball, 15 years (give or take) with Larry and so many memories in between.  I am particularly grateful this morning for the chill, Larry's return, a warm (clean) home and the comfort of a great family and network of friends that I cherish.  I am a lucky girl today.

Larry will be home for 9 1/2 days and then he will be home at Thanksgiving, another wonderful holiday to look forward to.  These coming months will be filled with family and fun and new memories to be made.  I just hope that it slows down long enough to soak it all in.

OH!  And if you are on the lookout for cute do it yourself gifts, you must spend some time over here:  We Are THAT Family
You won't be disappointed.

And, if you are thinking of joining me for our upcoming Super Saturday, check this out:
Highland Village Ward Super Saturday 
I will be posting more pictures and info in the coming days.  It promises to be a fun day!

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Time to catch up

There were SO many pictures on my camera. I uploaded everything and thought you might enjoy a little peak into the past two weeks of fun. Conference, a birthday for the Nowski, Toy Story with the 3 Musketeers, and a fun little science project with Kaden. So, much, fun!

Conference Sunday

Tuesday, October 13, 2009


So, someone told me that the pumpkins were a little much, so lets try this background for a bit.

It's a rainy Tuesday morning and I have just sent my three older children to school, one had missed 4 days plus Monday off for Columbus Day, one missed three days and said Monday, and the other missed one day plus. So, how much fun do you suppose this morning was? Pleasant? Blissful? All on time? No, no and no. We managed to get everyone out the door with only tears once from Kaden and Kyra and lots of coughing from Kimball. Waiting for more fever from that one. Kierstin is home with her own version of the fever/ cough/ runny nose, with cute pink cheeks to match. So far she is pleasant. (I shouldn't say that out loud though.)

I have pictures to share of various activities in the last week or so, and will do so later. The camera is in the car and it is, at present, raining quite a bit. I have pictures of Kaden's 10th birthday, Tyson being Tyson, and everyday fun from the Ganson house. It's been a busy couple of weeks, hampered with sickness and a nasty ingrown toenail for the big guy. That was bad. All in all, we are scooting through these days hanging on with all hands possible and trying to slow down when slow down is necessary. Laundry has piled a little, Larry would be itching by now, but all is well.

Here we are in October, facing the imminent emergence of a teenager in our midst and the fast approaching Holidays. I love, love, love this time of year. It will not be the same with Larry in Vancouver, as he is a big part of the heart of our celebration. I can honestly say that this trip has been harder than I thought it would be in many ways. We are fine, as always, but there are moments when I think we might not be...moments when sleep is the only way to end the frustration for one day and start over with optimism in the morning. We are optimistic this morning. Rain, cool air, and kids in school. I think I shall relax for a bit and then dive into the laundry before it takes over.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Just for fun!

Larry has done it again. Made me laugh!

Try JibJab Sendables® eCards today!

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Hmmm. Sickness has found us this morning. Again, HMMM!

Fever of 101.4, headache, stuffy nose, slight nausea. Got them all, well, that is to say that one of my children has woken up with it this early morning. The only one that I really wish didn't have it, I mean I don't want any of them to have it but this one...KADEN! His birthday is tomorrow and grand plans have been started, excitement has been building in his little almost 10 year old head. He is worried about homework, and missing much anticipated activities at school, and most importantly he is worried about being sick on his birthday. Well, the reality is that he will be. I highly doubt that this will only touch down for a 24 hour period, more than likely we are in for a number of days of this. On one hand I am so sad for him, on the other, sickness forces a major slow down that I actually love. Things still have to get done, but the extraneous running around stops. The big plans get put on hold and you focus on the one, as long as it stays just one of course. Birthday plans will have to change for this little man, and that makes him sad but never fear...I can do fun even with a fever, we just have to stay home.

More to share on the amazing Conference weekend we just had but enjoy this one picture that I think really captures the coziness we shared. Kids in new pj's, laying together on the big cozy chair, grey skies in the background and the stuff you can't capture in a photo...the smells of pot roast cooking all day and homemade treats. We were well taught and I learned A LOT, but what I really remembered was how much we need those quiet weekends and to slow down and listen and be together. It really was a wonderful weekend.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Elizabeth Smart

I will never forget that day. She was taken from her home and all of Salt Lake City was horrified. They looked and looked for her. For months. I remember also the day they found her. I remember seeing the police car in Sandy, UT across the street from where I had stopped for lunch. I remember thinking something was peculiar about it. Later that night, on the news, that same police car, same street, same people were on the news and she had been found...Alive. I cried and laughed and felt so much relief at her safe return.
She testified against her captor and shared her horrifying story. It was the worst case scenario for that young girl, for her parents, for anyone really. But that young girl is now 21, and about to leave on a mission for the Church. For her faith that sustained her. That beautiful girl, with so many reasons to stay close to home, to be going to Paris on a mission. I don't know why but it made me so proud of her and of her family to read that. I am proud to be a Latter-day Saint. I am proud to be among some amazing women, some crazies too, but that's to be expected right? (we call it colorful at our house though) I don't have it all figured out, but I know that I am happy here.
So, to Elizabeth, I am sorry that you had to relive those horrible memories, but I am so very proud of you.

Wednesday, September 30, 2009

October Fun!!!

CLICK HERE:::::: Mommy and Me

I am thinking that I will go October 13th! If you want to go and you can make it happen, load up the babies and let's go play! Come on, take the morning off and let's play in the playhouses with the kids and check out ALL the fun stuff over at the Arboretum. You know this looks like a blast. And then, you know we will have to have some lunch. :)

Tuesday, September 29, 2009

How did I not post these?

Buzz Lightyear has landed!!!

Yes, the costumes have arrived and they are ever so happy! Kierstin has, as you know, been wearing hers for days. She is not wearing it now as I HAD to wash it and once it is dry she will certainly be wearing it again. When RJ, who makes the perfect Buzz doesn't he...when he came to get his costume it was after a full day of fun at Grapevine Mills enjoying time at this Choo Choo place and then the Disney Store AND THEN treats at Cinnabon! That is one heckuva day for the under 3 set. I have to say that it was quite a nice morning and I generally despise the mall destinations.

I am sure that there are plenty of things to update, including the impending Holidays and all that come with it...lots to plan. Birthdays for two special boys of mine and an anniversary for me and Larry. I am enjoying the cooler weather and lighter load since the floors were finished. I still have plenty to do and catch up on but for now we are coasting along, getting things done and being grateful for new days and new challenges and new triumphs. Kyra had the only 100 on a paper in her class today. That is worth celebrating!

Monday, September 21, 2009

Let Halloween Begin!

Kierstin as Jessie
So, Toy Story mania has reached epic proportions in our home lately. So much so that the little 3 year olds in our lives are all dressing up as characters from the movie. Kierstin is Jessie, RJ is Buzz (of course) and Carson makes the perfect Woody. The costume came in the mail today and Kierstin HAD to have it on. She has not taken it off and just walked in to inform me that she needs boots like Jessie's. I am so in love with this little phase. What's even funnier is that this costume has brought out the inner 3 year old in my older children as well. They LOVE the costume as well. All I can say is that I love this Toy Story franchise so much. It has narrated so much of the best times we have had with little ones. Kimball was Woody when he was 3 years old and these characters have never really left us. So cute!

Monday, September 14, 2009

You know you're crazy when...

The smell of cut wood mixed with rain gets you excited.
That same smell makes you mad by the end of the day.

That's me today, well for days I think. Here is a golden example:

I pick the elementary school kids up in the afternoon. I am in a carpool, so I pick up 5 children, instead of 2. Irrelevant to this story, but part of the scenario. So, in our carpool lane at school, we have several options. I opt to use what we call the "South Loop". In this loop there are two options. TWO. One for kindergarden pickup only. One for everyone else. So, from time to time someone will pull up and get confused. Which lane should they need? We don't use car tags for pickup so no one else knows, besides the driver. So, I choose to go up a little early as to get in the line early allowing me to get out of pick up lines as fast as possible. Sometimes there are distractions, like children who choose to stop and visit with teachers and children (Kyra), sometimes its children who aren't sure if they have afterschool activities...sometimes it's parents in line who CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHICH LINE TO USE! How hard is it? So, I pull up today, this is the example of how crazy I am these days so stay tuned, I pull up and there are not one, not two, but three lines. Three? And then there are two cars sort of suspiciously parked in what we could call a fourth lane, but no one is too sure. So, I sit there for 10 minutes before we start to inch our way up to the waiting children and I am stewing. STEWING! Downright agitated about the 3 1/2 lanes. Yes, people should learn how to pick up their kids, we are 3 weeks into school so this should be an art form by now, but why in the world do I care! Larry says it is officially time to go see the doctor about my condition, undiagnosed as it is. I offered to voluntarily check myself into a pysch ward for observation, a vacation unto itself I am sure.

I am going to drown in a warm shower and crawl into bed for some much needed sleep and wake up to the smell of new floors being cut and potentially more rain. Hope you have a fun story of how crazy you are, humor me I say. Don't leave me alone in my ailment.

Sunday, September 13, 2009


I just love it. This rain is cleansing and so very comfortable. I know that we would hate it if this rain persisted for long periods of time, but for now, it is fantastic. We are working hard at our house. Floors are all ripped up downstairs, with the help of Ryan! We are ready for the new floors to come in tomorrow. It will take most of the week, as we are told, which will be a bit of a disruption but by the end of the week it will be marvelous. We have Larry home and it is a surprising relief. You think you are doing well and hanging in there and then one day you realize that you are actually just barely making it and you really, really miss him. At least that's how I feel. We have cleaned and organized and cooked and loved every second of it.

By the way, I know why I haven't updated, my computer is not up and running right now because the office is broken down for the floors, but why aren't YOU posting updates? Pictures? Something!

We have big things coming and it feels like they are coming up quickly: birthdays, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Christmas! A fun movie comes out this weekend that we will surely go to if anyone wants to join: "Cloudy with a chance of meatballs"! I am sure that we will need to set to planning some things soon, but for this week we will be in the midst of an unplanned home makeover. If you get bored, head on over and bring a paintbrush.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009


Cousins by Kierstin
So, as you know by now, we have had visitors over the weekend. Busy times, I tell you. We loved it! We loved having the kids here and wish they could have stayed longer. Kaden has continued to say that he misses them and wishes they lived here again. Kierstin wakes up and asks for her "little friends". When she sets toys up to play, she says that there are some there for Maiya and Noah as well. Kyra called it an extended sleep over. We played a lot and had a wonderful time. It's hard to believe that there are so many cousins, but we love all of them dearly. If only we could get the ones from the North down here at the same time as the ones from the South.

Kierstin took almost all of these pictures by the way. She's pretty good, for a 3 year old. Enjoy!

Happy Family Anniversary

Three years ago today, our fractured family came together once again. That is, of course, not the half of it. Back in 1994 Larry and I met and married. Between then and 2002 we had lots of fun, lots of fights, three babies and more moves than we can count. In 2002 Larry and I decided that we were better as friends. We divorced. It was easier in some ways, and harder in so many more. I know that I wanted it to be over. I was ready to move on. In 2004 we moved here to Texas, me to my parents home and later Larry moved to Flower Mound. We had separate lives, most of the time. Well, some of the time we did. I guess in looking back, we were never too far apart, even when we were busy hating each other. We swore that we would remain friends for our children. And we did.

Until one day in May of 2005.

I met someone else. I met him, married him, moved into a home with him and my three children. I found out quickly that I was pregnant. I was happy for a time with him. Things changed quickly. We didn't know how to make it work. We separated within about 6 weeks and divorced by May 2006. That was a dark year for all of us, but a year that would change all of our lives. (That is the very abridged version of a long story.)

Somewhere in that year things changed with me and Larry as well. He stepped in and helped, stayed by my side, helped me with the pregnancy, and never left. He was my friend first but somewhere along the way, things changed. We realized, I realized that life was too short for the battles and broken families. We dated. We apologized for years of broken promises. We decided to try again. And on September 9, 2006 we married again, making our family whole once more. So, we celebrate September 9th as the day our family was reunited. We had added another little person along the way, a child that was the miracle our family needed and has remained so ever since. We have now accepted the challenge of marriage as adults, not as kids with a fuzzy idea of what being an adult and a partner means. We accepted each others good and bad, right and wrong and we are choosing to be happy every day. Some days aren't as good as others, that's life. But I know that I can no longer imagine this life with anyone but Larry. It took some serious humbling to get us here, but here we are.

So to Larry, I love you and thank you for continuing to love me and our family and for the continuous sacrifices you make to take care of us. We miss you!

Preschool Fun

Kierstin's 1st day at DKH
Ok, I should have had these up yesterday. I am sorry it took me so long. Busy, tired days over here. I think I caught some kind of cold that is making me more tired than normal. As you can see from the pictures, she started out thinking she really just wanted to stay on the couch with her "big giant apple", her kitty and pooh, chocolate milk and Toy Story. It took her a little bit to warm up to getting completely ready for her big day. Once she was in gear; however, she was on. We got all ready and headed out. It was very busy at the lovely new preschool. I walked in with her and she was the first one there. She has made new friends and loves her sweet teacher. When I picked her up she was beaming. She went on and on about the playing: playdoh, and crayons, and the play ground, and scissors, and...on and on. She was sure that she didn't need a nap after such a day until we got in the car to pick up the kids around 3pm. She was out within 5 minutes. She slept for about an hour and a half, but she was so sure that she wasn't tired. We are working on a kinder schedule for her as she thinks she is bigger than she is until around 4:30 or 5 when she reverts to the needs of a baby. Several have asked me if I cried when I took her, but the truth is that we are just so happy for her. She is excited and ready for this next adventure. Let's see if she feels the same way in the morning.

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Update pending, but I HAD to share this!!!

In my few moments of stolen quiet, I sat down to cruise through some of the blogs that I have come to love. I know that I have pictures to share from the weekend as well as from Kierstin's first day of preschool, but this is too much fun not to share.

You simply must take a look at these lovely babies. So sweet!

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Madness at 4:53 pm

So, I am in a good mood. Let's be clear about that. But let me just describe what is happening right now, and I wonder what any of you would suggest doing to temper things. Or, is it simply that you roll with the madness?

Monday, August 31, 2009

August 31, 2009

September already? Weren't we just working out summer plans and hoping for sand between our toes? Popsicles and sunscreen? Now we are into schedules and school. I think that I am feeling a bit on edge today, no specific reason, just anxious. I know that there is a whole lot to do. I have a new calling, which is good, but I am now learning to do some new things. I am set to start planning a Christmas activity this week. Uh huh. Christmas. With this calling, it looks like Christmas will be with us a little earlier this year.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Time for an update

Woke up today with no desire to be productive.
Amber had the same thought.
The temps outside were pleasant and needed to be enjoyed.
So, we packed lunches and headed out.
Kimball wanted nothing to do with it, so he stayed with some friends today while we took the rest of our "little" crew out for the afternoon.
Our day in pictures:

We brought home some tired, filthy kids but they all said that they had a great time, even though the Fried Pie Company was closed before we could get there to indulge in the yummy treats they offer. Wendy's frosty's helped out, but only a little.

Monday, August 24, 2009

So much to much sleep to catch up on!

First Day of School 2009
Yes, first day of school! Fun for all. The kids all did a great job of waking up this morning, despite a restless night's sleep for all of us. Even Kierstin had to wake up before the sun, not because we asked her to, but because she just felt the need.

Kierstin's Perspective of Life
And then we have this little gem. First thing this morning Miss Kierstin wanted to use my camera. She has done this before and generally takes pictures of nonsense. But these are just priceless. I laughed out loud when I saw what she sees from her little 3 year old perspective. Enjoy!

We hope to have an idea of what to do next after the adjuster leaves tomorrow, on that whole insurance thing. Things are looking better, but we won't know until he is finished.

But now, I must sleep! Early morning with a baby shower to co-host at 9:30am, have to cook as well. SLEEP!

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Simple Update on a STRESSFUL day!

It's too loud in our house to call anyone at the moment. The plumber, Chris, is back and has sent his trusty camera down into the depths of our plumbing system and uncovered the source of our current disruption. Sadly, it looks to belong in the "worst case scenario" category. Several breaks in the pipes in the front yard, back hoe on my lawn, and an undetermined cost on the repairs. UNDETERMINED! Needless to say, we are a little on edge and afraid to use water in the house at this point. I am choosing to stay on the up side of this chapter, and being grateful for the fact that we are not in Vancouver with renters in my house, can you even imagine! That would have been so much worse. I am grateful that Larry has work that we didn't expect that will eventually get us caught back up. I am also happy that the kids will be in school tomorrow and away from this noise for those few hours. I am also grateful that Larry is home, though I am sure that this isn't how he wanted to spend his time home. I can't imagine if I had to do this without him here. But, with all of that said, I am certainly aware of how serious this is and I would just like to say that a movie may be necessary for all of us today, out of the house, good old fashioned laughter and no fans. I know it's Sunday, but I choose to think that we will be forgiven for this one. We shall see how the day goes and how hard it will be to peel Larry off of the ceiling after the plumber leaves.

End of day: Update

I wish you could hear the sound my house is making right now. Fans. Fans. Fans. On low, they still sound like they could possibly lift this house right off the ground as in "Up" and fly us to the beach we should be sitting on. There are about 10 or 11 fans and a dehumidifier in the house. We had NO idea what we were in for when we woke up this morning. No pancake breakfast, no movies today. Water, plumber, water extraction experts (who were also very nice) and dollar signs. On the one hand, we will get new flooring on most of our main level. On the other, slightly larger, more dominant hand, we may have to fork out some cash that we were hoping to use for our family trip to Vancouver for Christmas. Now, what will come of that remains to be seen. What I know at this hour is that Larry is home until Friday morning. In the coming days we will have to empty the main level of any and all furnishings so that a new floor can be put in. We hope that the fans will only be temporary visitors, but won't know until they come out and read our water levels with their fancy water reader thingy. It's cool. We pray, all of us, that the plumbing issue is merely that of overzealous toilet paper users, and not a branch inching its way into the rather deep pipes in our front yard. Expensive. We start school. We wait for estimates and approval. We get a check of an unknown size and then we have to pick flooring, hire someone to put it in and then move back into our main level, all hopefully before Larry leaves Friday. If I were betting money in Vegas, I would not bet on that possibility. But, as always, we remain hopeful and relatively calm given the situation. Really calm, to be honest. So, there you have it. It is that bad. But, it will be corrected and we will move on. All will be well and the floors will be lovely. They better be.

AND, the lesson in church tomorrow is on Adversity.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

And what I learned about today

If you are unfamiliar with my house, this is my master bath and master bedroom, drowning. Back flow? Toilet? Shower? No idea just yet, but this is the 3rd time in a week that this has happened and we have had to use every towel in our house, beach towels included, to clean this up in the bedroom and in the family room as the other toilet releases its contents at the exact same time, all the way to the windows on the other side of the room. Nice, right? We shall see what is next.

As for me and my crew, we are getting out of this mess and going to lunch and a movie. "Shorts". What could be better?

What I learned on Larry's 40th birthday

1. He loves the pictures that Kristen took. (check them out)
2. Reading the phrase "hump day" on a restaurant wall is exponentially funnier with two boys who have never heard that phrase before, the meaning had to quickly be explained.
3. Babysitters are glorious!
4. I actually do really like sushi.
5. Ham & Eggs in Lewisville has the biggest pancakes I have ever seen. (see above)
6. Naps run close second to babysitters.
7. Larry actually really likes the new Dodge Charger aka Muscle Car. NEVER would have guessed.
8. My toilets hate us. We now have a back flow problem and have NO idea how to fix it without a plumber. Can you see the same dollar signs I am now seeing?
9. It is high time for our road construction to come to an end.
10. I really, really love Larry and appreciate him and the fact that he is now 4 decades old. So, to Larry I say Happy Birthday and ENJOY every moment of the coming year. We love you so very much.

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

What I made and other funny stuff.

This is what fun looked like with two of my very favorite three year olds today. These two are hilarious! Always have been!!!

So, Kristen asked for a mural on Carson's wall. She did have a picture of something that had been done in Pottery Barn Kids, so it wasn't out of my imagination. I do think it turned out pretty cute though. She has plans to put up some other really fun things and I can't wait to see what the finished product looks like. FUN!