Has the year really flown by this quickly?
Am I actually still awake at this late hour? Of course I am!
Given that most don't even know that I have re-entered the world of blogging, I am likely talking to myself, which is a pastime I highly recommend. Forgive my indulgence, won't you?
2010. Hmmm. What can I say? It has been a very full year. I look forward to these closing days with eager anticipation. Christmas, family, fun and faith...I am so filled with gratitude for all that has been in my life and continues to grace our lives. We have our struggles, of course. We are facing some uncertainty in the coming year with work and health. The spine situation is stressful, to say the least. We are in denial. For now.
The children are growing quickly these days. They often don't seem to know what to do with themselves. I am beginning to wish for a few more innocent days, even though I am thrilled to know these little people and see who they are becoming.
Christmas is only a few days away now and it seems that we are mostly ready. I should be more frantic, but I am not. Things are coming together nicely. We have had some incredible weather these last few days, but it looks as if rain might join us for the Holiday. There will be lots more to share as we gather our entire family together for a celebration of family and faith...and food, it would seem. A lot of planning has gone into the food!
For now, I am happy to say that we are all home under one roof. Safe and warm. Everyone is sleeping and the house has taken on that stillness I love so much. This time of year that silence is complimented by the glow of the Christmas tree. There are not too many sweeter things for me. With that in mind, I will submit to the hour and head of to bed for some much needed sleep. I do hope that all is well in your homes tonight.
Wednesday, December 22, 2010
Sunday, December 12, 2010
Let's get this started, shall we?
It's been a pretty long time since I sat down and submitted any thoughts to the universe...or the few of you who actually might read this. I am working on some plans for the imminent Holidays and have had a few people ask me to share...which is one of the reasons I had a blog to begin with, right? So. Let's try this again. I will drag in some of the old blog so that we can look back at ideas from years past and link up to amazing sites that keep me going. I will post pictures now and again, and as always, feel free to leave a comment.
So, we are now officially 12 more working days away from Christmas morning. That means a couple of things to me. One, I will use the 12 days of Christmas as a theme for the next two weeks. Two, I will need to get on top of some lists here pretty soon, otherwise...well, insanity. You know how that goes. In the coming 12 days I also have the following to-do's:
Prepare gifts for both girls' dance classes (I'm thinking Snowman Soup)
Scottish Rite with Kimball on Tuesday.
Cookies for Kyra's Activity Days meeting for this Tuesday.
Plan party for Kierstin's DKH preschool holiday party for this Thursday.
Have family pictures taken.
Teacher gifts for kids parties this week.
Gift for friend birthday party this Friday.
T-shirt order for upcoming Family Reunion. (next week!)
Finalize all plans for above. Photographer. Food. Presents. Oh MY!
Kids out of school early on Friday for a two week break.
Larry is traveling part of this week and part of next week. Who wants to place bets on Larry getting stuck in an airport in Chicago on his way back home for Christmas next week?
That is all in 7 days.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, finish Christmas present shopping, wrapping and stashing.
Gingie and the Elves are coming in tonight. (love THEM! not)
Family begins to arrive this weekend. And then the rest of the next week is a blur already...one I am intensely excited about.
All in all, that's a lot to do. Yeah...let's see how this goes. I will link up some ideas and explanations as requested. When I find things I love, I will share.
Let's try this again...
So, we are now officially 12 more working days away from Christmas morning. That means a couple of things to me. One, I will use the 12 days of Christmas as a theme for the next two weeks. Two, I will need to get on top of some lists here pretty soon, otherwise...well, insanity. You know how that goes. In the coming 12 days I also have the following to-do's:
Prepare gifts for both girls' dance classes (I'm thinking Snowman Soup)
Scottish Rite with Kimball on Tuesday.
Cookies for Kyra's Activity Days meeting for this Tuesday.
Plan party for Kierstin's DKH preschool holiday party for this Thursday.
Have family pictures taken.
Teacher gifts for kids parties this week.
Gift for friend birthday party this Friday.
T-shirt order for upcoming Family Reunion. (next week!)
Finalize all plans for above. Photographer. Food. Presents. Oh MY!
Kids out of school early on Friday for a two week break.
Larry is traveling part of this week and part of next week. Who wants to place bets on Larry getting stuck in an airport in Chicago on his way back home for Christmas next week?
That is all in 7 days.
Meanwhile, back at the ranch, finish Christmas present shopping, wrapping and stashing.
Gingie and the Elves are coming in tonight. (love THEM! not)
Family begins to arrive this weekend. And then the rest of the next week is a blur already...one I am intensely excited about.
All in all, that's a lot to do. Yeah...let's see how this goes. I will link up some ideas and explanations as requested. When I find things I love, I will share.
Let's try this again...
Sunday, September 5, 2010
I think it's safe to say that I have lost that lovin' feeling for this blog thing. I keep thinking that I will have something to say, or report, or even just blab about and ultimately, I got nothin'. With that in mind, I am going to officially go into hiatus over here...take a break...go dark...whatever you want to call it. I am busy, busy, busy...in fact one of my neighbors said to me today that he is tired just watching me driving back and forth. That pretty much sums it up. So, until I get that feelin' again, as Barry Manilow says...I'll let you know. And if you act like you don't know that song by Barry Manilow...you are not fooling me and if you really don't...look it up. It's a good one.
Sunday, July 25, 2010
A minor revision in the works
Ok, so I know I know! I have been bad at blogging! I am sorry for that. I think it's the private status thing. SO, I have set up a new blog that will be for the fun stuff that anyone can see, and not so fun I am sure. But! I won't post family photos over there. I just don't want to anymore and you know why. So, I have only just started but that's a big deal over here.
Reinventing Chaos
There you have it. I will post to it more regularly and the photos will be reserved for this little spot over here. For the people I love the most. Have a great night!
Reinventing Chaos
There you have it. I will post to it more regularly and the photos will be reserved for this little spot over here. For the people I love the most. Have a great night!
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Wow. That is all I can say. Wow! June is coming to an end and July will be here in just a few moments, or days...but who's counting? A few things have happened in June that merit documentation. Here we go:
Let's see, with June came three new grades for my big kids: 8th, 5th and 4th. That makes Kimball and Kaden the oldest on their campuses. Hmm. That means high school is a comin'. Yeah, and kindergarden, but we will ignore that for just a bit.
We had Kimball at Scout camp and all evidence suggests that he actually had a really good time. I haven't seen any pictures just yet, but he didn't come home screaming, so that's progress. Kaden was set to go to his last year of Cub Scout Day Camp, but we had to move some things around and ended up going to San Antonio for five days. It was a very fun trip. We spent some time with Joe, Larry's dad, and his family. (when Larry's mom died, Joe remarried and we love her) We ate great Mexican food. We went to Schlitterbahn, SO MUCH FUN!
Let's see, with June came three new grades for my big kids: 8th, 5th and 4th. That makes Kimball and Kaden the oldest on their campuses. Hmm. That means high school is a comin'. Yeah, and kindergarden, but we will ignore that for just a bit.
We had Kimball at Scout camp and all evidence suggests that he actually had a really good time. I haven't seen any pictures just yet, but he didn't come home screaming, so that's progress. Kaden was set to go to his last year of Cub Scout Day Camp, but we had to move some things around and ended up going to San Antonio for five days. It was a very fun trip. We spent some time with Joe, Larry's dad, and his family. (when Larry's mom died, Joe remarried and we love her) We ate great Mexican food. We went to Schlitterbahn, SO MUCH FUN!
Thursday, June 10, 2010
Angels are singing!
That pesky "read more" thing is gone! I mean, I can still use it but the kind folks at Smitten Blog Designs did a very nice thing for me and corrected that little annoyance. Thank you to Kate & Heather. Be sure to check out their site as they have the best blog designs and extras I have found. (Can you tell that I love them!)
Oh, the angels have even more to sing about today! It's the last day of school!!!
Listen, I know well that we are likely the ONLY SCHOOL DISTRICT IN THE STATE OF TEXAS who is still in school, but there it is. In fact, a certain principal friend of ours joked about exams last night saying that any school that is still testing in the second week of June is crazy. Yep! We are! But, (long pause) school is out in less that three hours and I am thrilled. Next week about this time may be a tad different, but I am taking this moment to be grateful.
Here's a sneak peek of what's to come. Enjoy! (and don't forget, I'm taking this baby private today so if you want to be on the cool list...well, you know...send me an email.)

And so much more...
Monday, June 7, 2010
On the road again
New York this time. Not me, mind you...the husband. It is our last week of school and we are sailing through this last little bit of class time on our way to summer time freedom. Today; however, has been a bit much. Pool party for 90 4th graders, HOT, followed by a doctor's appt for Kaden who stepped on some foreign object while playing at the lake over the weekend that required a tetanus shot, a round of antibiotics and a little digging around his ankle with a razor blade. Yes, I was a bit queazy~ Then, back home to round up kids only to have to head right back to said doctor with Kyra who has a severe middle ear infection, leading to a course of antibiotics and eardrops...she hates that. So, back to gathering the chickens only to find that the captain has landed himself in detention, for all things...some ridiculous act called "gleaking". I don't even know how it's spelled. It's this stupid spitting thing that I am sure my father taught him how to do and he and some other boys were messing around in class. He got singled out and he wasn't happy. I thought it was funny had it not been for said captain's response of "the stupid teacher gave me a stupid detention for stupid..." you get the point. He had some extra chores to do today for that one. Drum practice, dinner and now bedtime awaits and I am avoiding it a little because it is quiet right here at my little desk in my corner of the world. I know, the work is joyous and I will put my happy face on and put the little angels to bed and then there will be quiet work in the kingdom tonight. I suppose in all of this, I can't complain really. We are safe and cozy and provided for and loved and have plenty of work to do and friends and family to love. That's my silver lining quote for the day.
Ah, the sounds of joy have just found their way down the stairs to tell on princess kyra. BEDTIME!
I am still working on this one. I promise.
Drink more ovaltine.
Ah, the sounds of joy have just found their way down the stairs to tell on princess kyra. BEDTIME!
I am still working on this one. I promise.
Drink more ovaltine.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Private Time
So, I have been considering something for some time now and I am now going to make a move. I am going private, my blog that is. I have had it open and felt compelled to attract visitors and share; however, I believe that it is time to take this back to what I intended it to be: a chronicle, a journal, a diary. Something that will be available to put into print form for my children. If you want to be a part of that, or if you are part of our family, please send me a quick note and I will add you. I will close up shop on our last day of school: June 10th. (who has to go to school so late in the summer, I ask you!)
Why? you ask. Well, I am feeling a need to protect a little more, cherish a little more and take back some of the time that I spend here. It is time that should be devoted to my family and myself. I will certainly still be here and will continue to jot down my thoughts and post photos, but this time it will not be for public consumption. So, joining me? Gotta ask nicely... :)
Why? you ask. Well, I am feeling a need to protect a little more, cherish a little more and take back some of the time that I spend here. It is time that should be devoted to my family and myself. I will certainly still be here and will continue to jot down my thoughts and post photos, but this time it will not be for public consumption. So, joining me? Gotta ask nicely... :)
Saturday, May 29, 2010
Well, we did it. We are back on the road with two cars instead of one. I forgot how much has to be coordinated when you have a full house with one car. I get it, we are spoiled here and many people around the world don't have one car let alone two. I do feel especially spoiled today.
The Traverse was not to be; however. We went seeking one, had every intention of buying one, but it didn't want to come home with us evidently. We got lucky with an Acadia that was a "demo" on the lot and it had 5100 miles on it so we got a nice little discount. I was aiming for some other color, besides the routine Ganson black...but as fate would have it, the demo is black. The kids are thoroughly enjoying the new ride. There is even a little table that folds out of the console between the two bucket seats on the second row. Fancy, shmancy. I know.
We are in store for more baseball today. Last night's game was tough. Every one of our players were in another zone or something. It was HOT and HUMID. Their little faces were so red and they just kept getting so frustrated with themselves. The game ended and we headed out to this fun new restaurant in Flower Mound called "Mooyah". It is one of 13 here in the area so you may have had this experience already, but it was a first for our crew. It was great! Shakes, burgers, fries...awesome! Came home after a very long, but productive day, and showered away the heat of the day and crawled into bed for some much needed rest.
The sun is out and the pool passes have been collected. A bathing suit search is on the menu for my day. (oh joy!) And baseball and brisket! Should be a fun day. Hope you have as much fun as possible today!
The Traverse was not to be; however. We went seeking one, had every intention of buying one, but it didn't want to come home with us evidently. We got lucky with an Acadia that was a "demo" on the lot and it had 5100 miles on it so we got a nice little discount. I was aiming for some other color, besides the routine Ganson black...but as fate would have it, the demo is black. The kids are thoroughly enjoying the new ride. There is even a little table that folds out of the console between the two bucket seats on the second row. Fancy, shmancy. I know.
We are in store for more baseball today. Last night's game was tough. Every one of our players were in another zone or something. It was HOT and HUMID. Their little faces were so red and they just kept getting so frustrated with themselves. The game ended and we headed out to this fun new restaurant in Flower Mound called "Mooyah". It is one of 13 here in the area so you may have had this experience already, but it was a first for our crew. It was great! Shakes, burgers, fries...awesome! Came home after a very long, but productive day, and showered away the heat of the day and crawled into bed for some much needed rest.
The sun is out and the pool passes have been collected. A bathing suit search is on the menu for my day. (oh joy!) And baseball and brisket! Should be a fun day. Hope you have as much fun as possible today!
Friday, May 28, 2010
To do
Wake up
Wake up Heather!
Oh I don't want to wake up.
Ok, I'm up!
Get kids up. Kyra is a little hesitant. She reminds me that there is only one more Friday morning that I have to wake her up for school. Good times.
Kids up. Dressed. Eat breakfast. Make lunch. (one of my least favorite choices of the morning) Get them out the door.
Can't I just go back to sleep now?
Nope. Kimball is next. In the meantime Kierstin has woken up and wants her usual tv, chocolate milk, pooh bear and for everyone to leave her alone. I'm with her.
Kimball is up. Dressed. Breakfast. Bouncing around for a few minutes. "Mom can I play xbox before school?" No is always the answer, but he asks anyway.
Ok, now can I sleep?
Well, no.
Birthday party for RJ.
Buy a car. (Chevy Traverse seems to be in my immediate future)
Car process...............................................
Kids home. Snacks. Catch up with day.
Kimball is back. He will inevitably torture the children. (and me at the same time-2 for 1)
Baseball game tonight.
FNL for the elementary school group tonight.
It's hot! Humid!!! The baseball games are always fun though, so this should be a fun night.
Everyone back home around 11 for showers and snacks and catching up again.
Can I sleep now????
Not just yet.
Wow, this is going to be a long, full, wonderful day! Better get started if I am actually going to pull all of this off.
Wake up Heather!
Oh I don't want to wake up.
Ok, I'm up!
Get kids up. Kyra is a little hesitant. She reminds me that there is only one more Friday morning that I have to wake her up for school. Good times.
Kids up. Dressed. Eat breakfast. Make lunch. (one of my least favorite choices of the morning) Get them out the door.
Can't I just go back to sleep now?
Nope. Kimball is next. In the meantime Kierstin has woken up and wants her usual tv, chocolate milk, pooh bear and for everyone to leave her alone. I'm with her.
Kimball is up. Dressed. Breakfast. Bouncing around for a few minutes. "Mom can I play xbox before school?" No is always the answer, but he asks anyway.
Ok, now can I sleep?
Well, no.
Birthday party for RJ.
Buy a car. (Chevy Traverse seems to be in my immediate future)
Car process...............................................
Kids home. Snacks. Catch up with day.
Kimball is back. He will inevitably torture the children. (and me at the same time-2 for 1)
Baseball game tonight.
FNL for the elementary school group tonight.
It's hot! Humid!!! The baseball games are always fun though, so this should be a fun night.
Everyone back home around 11 for showers and snacks and catching up again.
Can I sleep now????
Not just yet.
Wow, this is going to be a long, full, wonderful day! Better get started if I am actually going to pull all of this off.
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Sickness has crept in...again.
Ok. It's been a lovely weekend. Truly. Busy, fun, exciting...and then...Kimball is sick. Yep, the throwing up kind of sick. Slight fever, tummy ache, headache, sleep most of the day kind of sick. I have stood firm on the notion that I would not get sick. I mean it. I won't. I seriously mean it.
I got sick. Sitting in church, in a lovely meeting I might add, I start feeling really warm. I am thinking it's just the room. Then my stomach starts to hurt a little. I AM NOT GOING TO GET SICK! Then, as I sit there centering little Kierstin as our meeting goes just a little long, I start to feel nauseous. Now, I am feverish, tummy ache, headache, lay in bed kind of sick...but I will not throw up! I hate it. So, I am here, scouting around on the internet for fun blogs and cute ideas. It has been awhile since I did that actually so there is a great deal of information to cover. I am drinking my yummy cream soda and that is making me feel just a bit better.
So, word to the wise, stay away from my house for a couple of days. You don't want to get sick, right?
I got sick. Sitting in church, in a lovely meeting I might add, I start feeling really warm. I am thinking it's just the room. Then my stomach starts to hurt a little. I AM NOT GOING TO GET SICK! Then, as I sit there centering little Kierstin as our meeting goes just a little long, I start to feel nauseous. Now, I am feverish, tummy ache, headache, lay in bed kind of sick...but I will not throw up! I hate it. So, I am here, scouting around on the internet for fun blogs and cute ideas. It has been awhile since I did that actually so there is a great deal of information to cover. I am drinking my yummy cream soda and that is making me feel just a bit better.
So, word to the wise, stay away from my house for a couple of days. You don't want to get sick, right?
Saturday, May 22, 2010
Summer is a comin'
So much happening these days. Birthday parties, school ending, pools opening. So much! I happened upon this site today and I have a feeling that you may like it too. Take a gander and see what you might do with your kids for the summer. We have talked about this before. We have come up with ideas. Now, I know that we all just want to be at the beach. I got that part. But, just pretend for a moment that we can't get to the beach this summer...pretend being the operative word because I fully intend on getting there somehow...anyway...pretend and let's see what fun we can have right here at home. That whole "staycation" concept is hanging on. Thoughts?
30days: Summer "{home}School"
I particularly like this idea. I imagine this would be a great family project. What else?
I have found these websites very helpful for our area. Check your local area for sites like these.
Playin' Around Town - Home
Know of anymore sites we should be visiting? Share please!
And for crying out loud, post something on your blogs people! Seriously.
And for the love of everything holy, does anyone know how to get rid of that "read more" button? It drives me crazy!
30days: Summer "{home}School"
I particularly like this idea. I imagine this would be a great family project. What else?
I have found these websites very helpful for our area. Check your local area for sites like these.
Playin' Around Town - Home
Know of anymore sites we should be visiting? Share please!
And for crying out loud, post something on your blogs people! Seriously.
And for the love of everything holy, does anyone know how to get rid of that "read more" button? It drives me crazy!
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Food Women God and Oprah
Anybody else catch that episode? Oprah declares that she is never going to diet again. See if you follow this:
"Diets are based on the unspoken fear that you are a madwoman, a food terrorist, a lunatic. The promise of a diet is not only that you will have a different body; it is that in having a different body, you will have a different life. If you hate yourself enough, you will love yourself. If you torture yourself enough, you will become a peaceful, relaxed human being."
Women Food and God by Geneen Roth
(I am trying to make use of these silly "read more" things...so really, read more.)
(I am trying to make use of these silly "read more" things...so really, read more.)
Torture! I get that. I have long been annoyed with the idea that I have to constantly think about, obsess about, talk about losing weight. In an ideal world I would have a dancer's body and really high metabolism. I don't. Some of the ideas in this book center on treating yourself with kindness. Think of it this way: if we loved ourselves more, if we treated ourselves with the kindness that we treat our daughters...we would not feed ourselves or treat ourselves or overwork our tired bodies the way we do. Now, I know that there are loopholes to that theory. I am a mom and with that comes full days and late nights. The highs far outweigh the lows and the thing is, the bottom line is that if I liked myself more....well, I think you get it. Well, I like myself fine. I do. I just don't give myself enough credit. Another theory in this book is that we "diet" by way of obsession which leaves us no time to really focus on the things we truly want. Imagine how much time and energy and passion you would have if you could just not think about that anymore. Ever. I don't mean giving up on yourself either. To truly look at your day, your menu, your meals and see on the plate how you feel about yourself. What did you have for dinner? Was it because it was easy? There? So good that you were willing to deal with the stomach ache later? I am still in the beginning of this book but I have to say that I think I get it.
My confession: I am too afraid of accomplishment that I just don't try. I hide from my own "greatness". Before you laugh, you do it too! You know you do. I hide my colors for many reasons: fear of failure, ridicule, mockery...and even success. If I succeed at something else, where will that take me? A road not yet traveled with five other people along for the ride. What if they don't want that ride?
I challenge you to take a minute and read this book. Give that to yourself. Read for ten minutes here and there until you find something that resonates with you. If nothing resonates, well you're in the cool crowd for having read a book Oprah suggested. If it does; however, take that minute to think about how truly amazing you are and how you deserve to be treated. The idea that we are to treat others the way we want to be treated only works if we don't beat the crap out of ourselves every day. Be kind to yourself. Be grateful for your moments of clarity, quiet, joy as well as the moments when you want to run away from it all. That's just my two cents for the day.
Enjoy and if you do read it, come back and share. I would love to know your thoughts.
How can you not just love this photo? The woman on the far right is Larry's Great Aunt Lily Rosenberg and this photo was recently sent to me by a cousin doing similar family research. I love this picture for so many reasons. Girlfriends are amazing and life would simply not be the same without them.
Monday, May 17, 2010
I do not believe that there is a creature on the planet who is more loved than this child. She came to us a miracle and has blessed us every day since. We are so grateful to have this sweet, funny, loving girl in our family. It is a little hard to let go of the "baby", but also such a joy to watch her grow. She is amazing. Happy Birthday Kierstin.
Saturday, May 8, 2010
Catching up to do: Part One: Noah
I have been sifting through photos that I have not shared yet and remembered my brief but wonderful visit with our little Noah. That little man...he is hilarious. In the time that he was here he managed to get each of us wrapped right around his little finger. He took a particular liking to Kyra. Here are some photos that I think you will enjoy that will show you why.
She had him in an apron, cracking eggs, baking brownies! He was hilarious. Take a look at what came next!
He didn't know what to make of that. He persevered though...
(yes, she is a goofball!)
SUCCESS! He scores!
And then he was ready to get comfy...
He was so much fun to have here and frankly, were it not for his silly parents, I would have kept that little guy forever. I mean, I can see why they would want to keep him, but I just think that's selfish. Well, okay, selfish isn't the word necessarily, but he sure was fun to have around. Even Kimball was sad to see him go. He went back to Austin with Maiya and he doesn't even call me anymore. Hmmph!
Wednesday, May 5, 2010
May Day
So. May? Really? I feel as if I keep saying the same thing here, but how has another month slipped by? It was a busy, productive, happy month...though you would not know that by my lack of updates or photos. Or perhaps, the lack indicates just how busy and productive we have been. Either way, I can't believe it is May. In the month of May our littlest will turn 4 years old. That one is a little...much. I love this age she is and continue to feel such gratitude for her. I am seeing some big changes in all of the children actually. We are a mere 6 weeks to the end of this school year which closes out 3rd grade, 4th grade and 7th grade. That means: a 4th grader, a 5th grader and an 8th grader. There is something so, so strange about that.
We have some busy days ahead of us with birthdays and Mother's day and the always important last day of school. The children are all a little disgusted that they ONLY get 70 days off. I know. I am thinking...they get 70 days?!?!?! What will do to fill up those days? Hopefully there will be a little travel, a little beach time a lot of family fun and even some relaxation. These last 6 weeks of school will fly by and they will be thrilled to be home. (at least for the first few days) I foresee time swimming, dance classes, baseball, scouting and crafting. Larry is set to be home at this point, but we never know. He is in New York this week for Oprah, after that? You never can tell. The kids keep asking me if he will do the London Olympics and if he does will we move there because they don't want to be away from him again...they are nervous evidently. There is no talk of London at this point, so we will just shelve that one for now.
I should surely have more stories to share and updates to give, but it is too beautiful out to sit here at this computer. I have new window screens going in as we speak and then the windows will sit open for the remainder of this gorgeous day. (my jasmine smells divine right now) So, enjoy your day! More soon!
We have some busy days ahead of us with birthdays and Mother's day and the always important last day of school. The children are all a little disgusted that they ONLY get 70 days off. I know. I am thinking...they get 70 days?!?!?! What will do to fill up those days? Hopefully there will be a little travel, a little beach time a lot of family fun and even some relaxation. These last 6 weeks of school will fly by and they will be thrilled to be home. (at least for the first few days) I foresee time swimming, dance classes, baseball, scouting and crafting. Larry is set to be home at this point, but we never know. He is in New York this week for Oprah, after that? You never can tell. The kids keep asking me if he will do the London Olympics and if he does will we move there because they don't want to be away from him again...they are nervous evidently. There is no talk of London at this point, so we will just shelve that one for now.
I should surely have more stories to share and updates to give, but it is too beautiful out to sit here at this computer. I have new window screens going in as we speak and then the windows will sit open for the remainder of this gorgeous day. (my jasmine smells divine right now) So, enjoy your day! More soon!
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
It's nearly 3AM
Yep. It is approaching the three in the morning time here in North Texas and I am awake. I have been busy today. Here is how it went and potentially why I can't settle in for a (tiny) nap...
6:45am Awake with the sun. Baking muffins. Cleaning the kitchen. Waking children, 2 and 3, to get ready for a new week at school. A little trouble to wake them. Harder to get them out the door. But out they went. Meanwhile...
7:30am Wake the big kid. HARD TO WAKE! Midget wakes up in the mayhem, but the house smells delicious so no one really complains this morning. (note to self: something baking makes for a more pleasant morning.)
By 8:15am the big ones are all on their way to the house of learning while I tend to the littlest one in our house. She wants her chocolate milk, kitty and t.v. on my bed but must change into a new pair of pj's for more comfort. (the first set was not comfy enough. duh.)
From around 8:30 to 10:30 I am busy at work at the computer with family history research, so much fun these days, and paying bills. Some meal balance fun, t-shirt orders and catching up on emails from the weekend.
11:00am Oh, I forgot to eat breakfast. Now I eat my omelette and sausage and get myself dressed for a day full of errands that looked something like this:
First stop at the bank to deposit meal balance t-shirt checks (yay me!)
Sherwin Williams for paint to touch up the halls (it's bad!)
Pender's Music for sheet music for my thriving musicians
Costco (milk, bread, eggs and such)
Strong's Nursery (flowers! AKA Happiness!)
And now we head back to get ready for kids 2 and 3 to get home. It's so beautiful outside that they get to walk home giving me just enough time to unload the car, set out my pretty flowers and collect a special delivery...a death certificate for Larry's great grandmother that held all sorts of fun info for my research. (it is more exciting than it sounds, I promise.)
They come home. Baby K, who is almost 4 by the way, is asleep! Late nap, but who can blame her? We have been busy and she was along for all of it. At this point in my day, things are lovely. Windows open. Lots accomplished. Kaden is now baking brownies. (again with the smells of baking!) All is well.
Kimball comes home at the same time that Midget wakes up from her nap...cataclysmic forces of nature on their own but when the two systems collide...seriously. I mean, seriously! We have a good hour of chaos. Whining. Brownies baking. Aggravating. Smell of brownies. Sun is shining. WHINING. That sounds is winning and it is coming from the eldest of my brood. Seriously!
At this point I think to myself that I must not give in to the Afternoon Monster/ Grump. I will not lose my wonderful, productive day to the one hour of nonsense. (smell those brownies?) Ok. Deep breath. Kids separated. Kitchen put back together. Kids eating brownies together. All is quiet again.
Dangit! It's time to head to drum lessons with Kimball and the brownies just became dinner. (Yep. Jamie Oliver should SO come to my house next!) As I am leaving with the crew we are met with what seemed to be an ocean of children all asking the same thing...can *#*@&* play? (when you say all of their names together that is exactly what it sounds like) Well, now I am in a pickle. Hand three of them off to a neighbor. Say a quick hello to the fortunate few adults who are actually sitting in chairs in the sunshine enjoying each other's company. Off we go.
While waiting for Kimball I sift through Scout stuff. We have a Court of Honor coming up in a week and a half that I knew nothing about and I need to see where things stand. I love the Scouting program and I love the people who make it happen. The parents who sacrifice their time and energy to be there for these boys. I really do. I only wish that I had known this was coming. I asked several responsible people several times...but no one knew. And now we scramble. Oh well, it's what we are good at.
Ok. Kids back home. Quick shuffle before heading to a Meal Balance Meeting. No worries, Michelle agreed to come in and save the children in my absence. (she was actually saving me as she cleaned and tucked them all into bed before I got back at around 10:45) Yes. I said 10:45. Meeting was wonderful. Very successful. I am now a Senior Team Leader and considered a Founder of this great enterprise. I really am thrilled to be a part of it.
Wait. Are you still reading this? At least one of us should be sleeping so perhaps my droning on has put you out of your misery. It is now 3:06 am and I am STILL AWAKE!
Back to me. Home to a clean house, laundry going, candles burning, kids sleeping bliss. Chatted with my Michelle about chores and responsibility and some great ideas for all things parental. You will get to see the fruits of those labors. Promise. Kicked her out at about 12:30 after Kyle called several times wondering where she was. Caught up on email. Ate a little late night snack. Turned off the lights to crawl into bed. At 1am. Now this two hours later I am quite without sleep, but no loss for words, evidently.
So. Full day! Oh, and the Olympics are now officially over! They are wrapping up and Larry comes home for a full 24 hours this Friday. He then heads to NYC for three weeks. Fast little visit, but he will be here. That means touch up paint, planting flowers, garage cleaning, child managing, trip planning fun for all of us here at the Woodside dr. and I am a little wound up. Obviously.
Ok. One of us needs to try to sleep. Since you are still reading this I suppose it must be me. On tomorrow's list? Scout advancements for the Cubs. Painting. Planting. Muffler needs to be checked on the car. Bills to pay. Visiting teaching to schedule. (for March) Kids to send to school. Doctor appt at 1 and piano at 3:30 followed by dance at 6:30 and then a city council meeting at 7:30. Oh. And the kids. Better sleep or most of that will get pushed to Wednesday. I think I will try again. Let's hope for the best.
Thanks for stopping by for more wackiness from this neck of the woods. You have been a great audience.
6:45am Awake with the sun. Baking muffins. Cleaning the kitchen. Waking children, 2 and 3, to get ready for a new week at school. A little trouble to wake them. Harder to get them out the door. But out they went. Meanwhile...
7:30am Wake the big kid. HARD TO WAKE! Midget wakes up in the mayhem, but the house smells delicious so no one really complains this morning. (note to self: something baking makes for a more pleasant morning.)
By 8:15am the big ones are all on their way to the house of learning while I tend to the littlest one in our house. She wants her chocolate milk, kitty and t.v. on my bed but must change into a new pair of pj's for more comfort. (the first set was not comfy enough. duh.)
From around 8:30 to 10:30 I am busy at work at the computer with family history research, so much fun these days, and paying bills. Some meal balance fun, t-shirt orders and catching up on emails from the weekend.
11:00am Oh, I forgot to eat breakfast. Now I eat my omelette and sausage and get myself dressed for a day full of errands that looked something like this:
First stop at the bank to deposit meal balance t-shirt checks (yay me!)
Sherwin Williams for paint to touch up the halls (it's bad!)
Pender's Music for sheet music for my thriving musicians
Costco (milk, bread, eggs and such)
Strong's Nursery (flowers! AKA Happiness!)
And now we head back to get ready for kids 2 and 3 to get home. It's so beautiful outside that they get to walk home giving me just enough time to unload the car, set out my pretty flowers and collect a special delivery...a death certificate for Larry's great grandmother that held all sorts of fun info for my research. (it is more exciting than it sounds, I promise.)
They come home. Baby K, who is almost 4 by the way, is asleep! Late nap, but who can blame her? We have been busy and she was along for all of it. At this point in my day, things are lovely. Windows open. Lots accomplished. Kaden is now baking brownies. (again with the smells of baking!) All is well.
Kimball comes home at the same time that Midget wakes up from her nap...cataclysmic forces of nature on their own but when the two systems collide...seriously. I mean, seriously! We have a good hour of chaos. Whining. Brownies baking. Aggravating. Smell of brownies. Sun is shining. WHINING. That sounds is winning and it is coming from the eldest of my brood. Seriously!
At this point I think to myself that I must not give in to the Afternoon Monster/ Grump. I will not lose my wonderful, productive day to the one hour of nonsense. (smell those brownies?) Ok. Deep breath. Kids separated. Kitchen put back together. Kids eating brownies together. All is quiet again.
Dangit! It's time to head to drum lessons with Kimball and the brownies just became dinner. (Yep. Jamie Oliver should SO come to my house next!) As I am leaving with the crew we are met with what seemed to be an ocean of children all asking the same thing...can *#*@&* play? (when you say all of their names together that is exactly what it sounds like) Well, now I am in a pickle. Hand three of them off to a neighbor. Say a quick hello to the fortunate few adults who are actually sitting in chairs in the sunshine enjoying each other's company. Off we go.
While waiting for Kimball I sift through Scout stuff. We have a Court of Honor coming up in a week and a half that I knew nothing about and I need to see where things stand. I love the Scouting program and I love the people who make it happen. The parents who sacrifice their time and energy to be there for these boys. I really do. I only wish that I had known this was coming. I asked several responsible people several times...but no one knew. And now we scramble. Oh well, it's what we are good at.
Ok. Kids back home. Quick shuffle before heading to a Meal Balance Meeting. No worries, Michelle agreed to come in and save the children in my absence. (she was actually saving me as she cleaned and tucked them all into bed before I got back at around 10:45) Yes. I said 10:45. Meeting was wonderful. Very successful. I am now a Senior Team Leader and considered a Founder of this great enterprise. I really am thrilled to be a part of it.
Wait. Are you still reading this? At least one of us should be sleeping so perhaps my droning on has put you out of your misery. It is now 3:06 am and I am STILL AWAKE!
Back to me. Home to a clean house, laundry going, candles burning, kids sleeping bliss. Chatted with my Michelle about chores and responsibility and some great ideas for all things parental. You will get to see the fruits of those labors. Promise. Kicked her out at about 12:30 after Kyle called several times wondering where she was. Caught up on email. Ate a little late night snack. Turned off the lights to crawl into bed. At 1am. Now this two hours later I am quite without sleep, but no loss for words, evidently.
So. Full day! Oh, and the Olympics are now officially over! They are wrapping up and Larry comes home for a full 24 hours this Friday. He then heads to NYC for three weeks. Fast little visit, but he will be here. That means touch up paint, planting flowers, garage cleaning, child managing, trip planning fun for all of us here at the Woodside dr. and I am a little wound up. Obviously.
Ok. One of us needs to try to sleep. Since you are still reading this I suppose it must be me. On tomorrow's list? Scout advancements for the Cubs. Painting. Planting. Muffler needs to be checked on the car. Bills to pay. Visiting teaching to schedule. (for March) Kids to send to school. Doctor appt at 1 and piano at 3:30 followed by dance at 6:30 and then a city council meeting at 7:30. Oh. And the kids. Better sleep or most of that will get pushed to Wednesday. I think I will try again. Let's hope for the best.
Thanks for stopping by for more wackiness from this neck of the woods. You have been a great audience.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
Spring Break...done...next?
Spring Break came and went. It was a busy, fun filled time. We had a baptism for Luca to kick things off, followed by LOTS of gatherings with the fam. We played at the park with so many little ones. We enjoyed Bahama Bucks again for the first time this season. Kierstin grew up just a bit more on me, see the photo with the white shirt. And then she went right back to being a precocious three year old, see the marker photo. (pardon the awkward shot.)
And now we move to the next phase. We will see the end of the Olympics this week! For those of you wondering why Larry is still there, it's because of the often forgotten Paralympics. He has stayed on for that but they have Closing Ceremonies tomorrow!!! And then we will have him home...for one day. He will turn around and head out to New York for three weeks and then home for three and then BACK OUT for three weeks to Orlando. That means that we will be that much closer to getting out of school for the summer. Oh, I can't even imagine.
It's snowing again here. Enough said.
I am ready to paint and plant again. It's cyclical, sort of like the seasons. There is just a moment when I find myself ready. Oh the plans I can make. (especially with no budget in my head) Screen room, gardening, exterior paint, windows, paint kitchen cabinets...I could go on and on. But, that would make me sound absolutely ungrateful and I am feeling just the opposite tonight. I love my home, the children all tucked in their respective beds, the snow falling for one of our last winter days of the season, or so we hope. All of it adds up to the magical world we have the privilege of enjoying.
Guess it's time to make some plans for Spring though, huh. Hmmm.
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Family History Fun
Ok, I am headed to bed but just look what I found tonight!!!
This is where Larry's mother's grandmother lived! The house is still there!!!
This one is where Larry's grandparents lived in 1950! STILL THERE!!!
And this beauty is where Larry's mother grew up! It is magnificent!
I found all of these homes through my family history research on Larry's family. It is fascinating! NOW I can head off to bed to get some sleep!
Wednesday, March 10, 2010
Funny thing
First of all...wow. I just have to take a moment and say "wow"...the weather has been a bit as bipolar as I have been lately. Sunny morning turned into a wonderful thunderstorm, complete with hail and lightning, and now it is beautiful outside. Clear skies, sunny, perfect temperature for the crew to walk home from school. I love those days.
Now, another wow...look at what Kyra does when no one is looking:
Now, another wow...look at what Kyra does when no one is looking:
Yep, she took those of herself. AND then she turned them into a collage.
She is one of the funniest people I know, and she just keeps getting funnier by the day. That is my funny thing of the moment, the idea of her sitting at my computer, posing for the photos...and taking them. Just makes me laugh.
But wait...there's more:
Sunday, March 7, 2010
Wednesday, March 3, 2010
I am feeling some strange kind of anxiety tonight. It's been a fabulous, beautiful day and so much was accomplished, and now I am anxious. So much so the sound of the television and the nonsense that I was flipping through in some sort of attempt to induce sleep was irritating me.
I feel a little like this:
That's me up there...at the top, trying to muster the courage to leap over that edge. I guess that sounds a little morbid, but that's not what I mean. Sometimes I feel myself flirting with my own Potential. You know, in my family, we are all blessed with a similar sort of curse...we can be really good at lots of things, but not GREAT at any one thing. That makes it kind of hard to pick one thing to focus on...I have so many things in my head that, generally speaking, I tend to ignore it. Go to bed, wake up, tend the children/ the house/ the bills/ the animals/ the callings/ the school...go to bed, wake up...you get the picture. But every now and then, that edge creeps back into view and I feel the urge to reconnect with my Potential. It wouldn't really matter what it was...school, I really want to get that education. Singing, evidently I am better at it than I give myself credit for. Parenting, that's a big one. I feel like I need to improve on that every day, every hour sometimes. Business, oh the endless possibilities. Gardening even. Yes, I actually WANT to be great at gardening. I am not, but I want to be.
So, why all of this energy swirling around tonight? Don't know. It's there though and I felt compelled to at least recognize it. You know you feel this from time to time, too right? I know you do. I know you think about what you could be, or what you should be great at...what you would do with yourself if you could just get the time, or the energy, or the money...or whatever stands between you and that Potential of yours. My problem, by and large, is discipline. I read this quote recently:
I feel...well, I don't know what it is, maybe it's that Larry is home in 6 weeks and I feel compelled to accomplish SOMETHING before he gets back. Maybe it's that I am feeling strangled by the battle with weight and health, and the reality that I am losing that battle daily. I see changes happening all around me and think, how have I changed in the last year? Six months? Week? Better or worse? Am I improving, digressing or staying the same? Yes, I get it...sometimes you have to just hang on for dear life until the storm rolls back out and you can see a little more clearly. I have been hanging on through the last few months with these Olympics and all. I feel like it might be time to do a little more than just hang on. My Potential is bored.
I feel a little like this:
That's me up there...at the top, trying to muster the courage to leap over that edge. I guess that sounds a little morbid, but that's not what I mean. Sometimes I feel myself flirting with my own Potential. You know, in my family, we are all blessed with a similar sort of curse...we can be really good at lots of things, but not GREAT at any one thing. That makes it kind of hard to pick one thing to focus on...I have so many things in my head that, generally speaking, I tend to ignore it. Go to bed, wake up, tend the children/ the house/ the bills/ the animals/ the callings/ the school...go to bed, wake up...you get the picture. But every now and then, that edge creeps back into view and I feel the urge to reconnect with my Potential. It wouldn't really matter what it was...school, I really want to get that education. Singing, evidently I am better at it than I give myself credit for. Parenting, that's a big one. I feel like I need to improve on that every day, every hour sometimes. Business, oh the endless possibilities. Gardening even. Yes, I actually WANT to be great at gardening. I am not, but I want to be.
So, why all of this energy swirling around tonight? Don't know. It's there though and I felt compelled to at least recognize it. You know you feel this from time to time, too right? I know you do. I know you think about what you could be, or what you should be great at...what you would do with yourself if you could just get the time, or the energy, or the money...or whatever stands between you and that Potential of yours. My problem, by and large, is discipline. I read this quote recently:
"One half of life is luck; the other half is discipline - and that's the important half, for without discipline you wouldn't know what to do with luck." ~Carl Zuckmeyer, 1896-1977, Writer and Playwright
I feel...well, I don't know what it is, maybe it's that Larry is home in 6 weeks and I feel compelled to accomplish SOMETHING before he gets back. Maybe it's that I am feeling strangled by the battle with weight and health, and the reality that I am losing that battle daily. I see changes happening all around me and think, how have I changed in the last year? Six months? Week? Better or worse? Am I improving, digressing or staying the same? Yes, I get it...sometimes you have to just hang on for dear life until the storm rolls back out and you can see a little more clearly. I have been hanging on through the last few months with these Olympics and all. I feel like it might be time to do a little more than just hang on. My Potential is bored.
Saturday, February 27, 2010
One year ago...thats when this Olympic thing began!
Check this out...
I can't believe it has been that long. Time flies, huh?
Have you looked back at your blogs lately? I am so happy to have this to look back at. It is quite fun.
I can't believe it has been that long. Time flies, huh?
Have you looked back at your blogs lately? I am so happy to have this to look back at. It is quite fun.
Friday, February 26, 2010
One moment
This is a moment that defined this week for us. Kaden had no idea he was here. We surprised him at lunch.
We miss Daddy.
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Red Cast
He is terrible with pictures! Kimball is now sporting the latest in cast fashion trends: red. It looks amazing with black sharpie now scribbled all over it. Lots of adoring fans have left their autograph. I will have to share a photo of that one tomorrow. He has been a pretty good sport about this whole broken wrist thing. It would make me crazy!
Well, it's late on a Friday night and I made the mistake of thinking that I might just "fall asleep" since I was so tired. I know that for most people that is normal, but for some strange reason, I have to have some kind of sleep medication to actually get me there. So, it's nearly 3 in the morning and I am awake. Scrolling. Reading. Coveting cool furniture on craigslist. Blogging. It seems to have fallen off of the to do list for me. I got sort of tired of listening to myself ramble on here. And then I got chastised by more than one person in the last week for not keeping up. Sorry folks!
Oh, here's a funny thing. For some reason Kierstin is telling anyone and everyone that her daddy is a "skier in the Olympics and he is really fast". I suppose that since we keep telling her that he is there, and then she sees the competition on tv, usually with some masked athlete skiing "really fast", it must certainly be Larry. Funny story from the princess. She has so much to say these days. Her days are now filled with storytelling, to anyone who will listen. It is funny and endearing.
Well, Saturday is setting up to be a busy work day here. Closets, and laundry, and back yard clean up and car wash and on and on. You know what they say...Saturday is a special day, it's the day we get ready for Sunday...how does that tune go???
Thursday, February 18, 2010
Still here...
Snow days! It was quite the spectacle around here. More snow than we have seen here...well, ever. We played and played. Snow angels, snow men, snow cones, snow forts...and a broken wrist, thanks to Kimball and his buddies trying to bust down a snow fort that was more ice than snow. We also had Brittany and her family here with us for the fun. As you see, there was playtime with dolls and lots of picture taking. I love that these girls, despite their squabbles from time to time, have each other. It wouldn't be family without a few squabbles though, right?
My kids are a little on the jealous side with this photo. We debated whether to take them all out for the games and decided against it. There are moments; however, that I wish that we could have made it happen. The experience of being there and watching these athletes is unbelievable. I feel pretty certain that this won't be our last Olympic opportunity so we will try for the next ones. I know, Larry has said that he wouldn't choose to do another Olympic games, but I kinda think he is nuts when he says that. There's London and then Russia and then Rio. Odds are that someone will sweet talk him into sticking around.
Take a look at those cute girls! Like I said, we had Brittany and Bo and Olivia and Billy and Josie here in our snow storm/ olympic opening weekend. It was a joy to have them here. We headed out to the Science Museum in Fort Worth, and despite the drive and busy side of things, I loved it. The kids had a good time and that's what it is for, right?
This one is just funny. I was upstairs last night, getting kids in bed and Kimball comes to me and says, "Mom, why is Kierstin face planted on the stairs?" I answered with a confused and frustrated, "I have no idea". He insists on me coming to see and this is what I found. Now, don't be alarmed, she is fine. She staged this one and is laughing into the carpet when I see her. She is sure that she can't get up though. Clearly, she got up and found herself in bed a short time later. This is a new stall tactic on her part.
Updates: Well, I am taking voice lessons again. Kinda cool, kinda weird. I haven't decided if I am liking this program just yet. I do love singing again though. Kimball started taking drum lessons, but of course his little break in his wrist causes a delay there, so he will get back to it in a few weeks. (Oh, and I had to buy Kimball MAN JEANS! He is out of the kid section for sure!) Kaden tried out for baseball last night and he was great. I am so proud of him. He is really growing up. Kyra is enjoying the piano now more than she is in the past. She has loathed it so getting her to enjoy it is a big deal. Kierstin is more and more stubborn. She is sure that she is the sun and we are all just planets revolving around her. Most days, I love being one of those planets, but there are times when the princess needs to be tamed a little. She is turning 4 sooner than I can imagine. This growing up thing is going faster every day. I just registered Kimball for 8th grade and Kierstin for our last year of preschool! So, so strange.
Larry is ready to come home and we are ready for him. Just a couple more months. We have made it this far, right? I am tired just thinking about it. I need to sit on a beach. For a whole summer.
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