Friday, December 26, 2008
All tucked in their beds
Well. It is the other side of Christmas planning and production now, and for a few hours it will be quiet in this house. We have had the joy of welcoming my brother Jon and his terrific wife Jesse and their delicious son Tyson into our home for the next week. Kristen has Michael and Nicole and their crew. We are set to spend lots of family time together in the coming days. I am so happy to have this Christmas linger just a little bit longer. You know that this has been a sweet holiday for me, and letting it stay for just a bit more is exciting.
Monday, December 22, 2008
A New Year. Again.
Well, what do you do with that? I mean, more resolutions? Ideas and promises to be better parents and spouses? Ways of staying organized and busy with the business of a well lived life? What do you do? I have looked back at many years of resolutions and they seem to have a slight pattern of repetition to them. It's sort of like the chorus of a song, not a good one, but it has a rhythm, so you keep singing along until it gives you a bit of a headache. Then what? All of your good intentions and dreams become the victim of the dreaded New Year's Resolution, the very title somewhat dooms it to failure. How can we overcome this rhythm headache and continue to better ourselves without the fear of falling down on the job? Here is what I tend to repeat in my song of the new year:
Lose weight
Take care of myself, in various forms, but generally involving working out and vitamins and such
Read more
Read at all
Make Church and teaching principles a more important part of our daily routine...again, this has various forms. Scripture reading, Temple attendance...generally the lists of to do's that go along with being a faithful member of this church and striving to be better. Now let me say, that this has become more of a daily decision than one I make at the beginning of the year, but we will talk about that later. Moving on:
Play more
Live better
I mean, really, anything that involves the things I wish that I could do but haven't mastered just yet. Which is the point for me. Self Mastery.
As I look to this new year, and all that it means in our family and in our community and our country, I look to ways of improving myself and those around me. I am a steward of many things, myself, my children, my marriage, my home, my faith...and in that is where my improvement can best be measured, or lack thereof. In any case, it is a new year. My theme for the year for myself will revolve around the idea of Self Mastery and all that comes with that. I believe that may be what the point is of this life, to learn to be our best selves and in that, deny ourselves the things of the "natural man". I am not the first to suggest that, and I am sure that there will be those that agree and those that say, why deny yourself, life is short? But for me, and for this house, and these babies that I love, it is most important to find the clarity that comes with the success of being in control of ourselves, to the extent that we can. Does this make sense? I don't know. For me, it's about learning when to say no and when to stop saying no and just relax and enjoy. That does mean working out and eating healthy and reading more and studying and Temple attendance and so many other things that all mix together to create a divine person, someone that I would want to know and be friends with. I know a few people like that, not too many, but the ones I know are just wonderful. It isn't to be perfect, but it is to be better. So, here is to 2009: A Year of Self Mastery
Sunday, December 21, 2008
How many days left!!!
I am actually a little sad to see Christmas sneaking up so quickly. I am, of course, thrilled for the break from school and the impending visits from distant family members. For me; however, this has been a particularly sweet Holiday season. We have enjoyed every day with one memory making moment or another. Some have been big and some have been ever so small. I am grateful for all of it though.
I made Grander's Famous Lemon Pound Cake tonight. It's funny because it was so very easy and it is as delicious and surprising as it could be. It was also a very sweet reminder of her. I remember her. She died when I was young, 7 or 8, but I can remember her. I wish that my children could have known her. I think they would have gotten a real kick out of her. You know, Mom had her grandmother and her granny, who I remember as well by the way, for many years. I envy that, though I am sure that Mom wishes the same. Life would have been much different had she lived. I doubt that the moves would have ever happened. I am, oddly, grateful for the moves though. So, I suppose it was all as it should have been. But still. It is nice to remember her and tell the kids about her as I make this cake and show them pictures. I will make this cake every year now. I will pull out the treasured Advent calendar and the stories and the pictures and share the magic of years and years of love, especially at Christmas. If I haven't said it until now, Mom...thank you for this incredible gift. It is something that I will always treasure.
This next week will be busy and full of laughter and probably some tears. It will be surrounded by family and, if you live here, some pretty beautiful warm weather. The kids would really like it to snow just one day, but we are all pretty grateful for the 70 degree Christmas day that is in the forecast. I would suggest that we try to remember the sweetness that has thus far attended this holiday and pay particular attention to keeping the celebration about a sweet baby that was given to the world, a Savior. I am grateful for that day so long ago and for all of the blessings that have been a part of our lives as a result of the knowledge that He is my Redeemer. Here is to the beginning of a wonderful Christmas week. I hope that it finds you all happy and healthy and with those that you love.
Oh, and take lots of pictures! And please share them!!!
Friday, December 19, 2008
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Monday, December 15, 2008
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Sick babies + Christmas traffic + Single Parenting = One Grouchy Mama
That is all I have at this hour. Well, if I started I would likely have endless venting precipitated by what can only be described as some sort of hormonal, exhausted, left to fend for herself with the four K's rant. I know, I can't really complain. There are so many other things that could go wrong. Which is precisely why I will only say that I was bothered enough to change my blog layout. Sometimes I want to go shopping, sometimes I want a coke and some chocolate, sometimes I want to sit in a dark movie theatre alone with popcorn and a coke and some chocolate, and sometimes I would like to do all three things: but it is 9:32pm on a Saturday night and the kids are sleeping and I am alone, all of which translates to changing the only thing I can effectively change at this hour: my blog layout. I don't LOVE this one either, but the other one was so complicated to log in on. It just got annoying. Can you tell that someone didn't get her bowl of Wheaties this morning, and even if she had it would have worn off a long time ago.
There. I'm done ranting. I snapped the big K's head off and then apologized profusely because it wasn't really his fault. I put the other K's in bed at 8:45. early for a Saturday night, even if we do get up at the crack of early on Sunday mornings for what is often a three hour test of my patience muscles. But, with all the prayers I have, tomorrow morning will be a nice morning...oh no, I said it out loud. Guess we will be walking the halls with baby K instead. Yikes.
Well, I think I will take my sorry self to bed. Let's hope for uninterrupted sleep until the bell tolls at 6:15 am. Ginger has already been asked to make some kind of breakfast. :) And the tooth fairy is on duty tonight as well. Busy night for magic.
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Christmas laughter
It is so much fun to watch the kids this time of year. They believe in so much magic. They choose to decorate again and again. They are coloring pictures and making up stories and songs. They want to go caroling and see lights. As I sit in here planning the coming weeks, I hear them laughing at one of their favorite Christmas movies, "Elf". What could be better? Mac and cheese, "Elf", laughter, holiday pj's and cake baking. This is turning out to be a very sweet Christmas, with more to come. I hope that you are all taking a few quiet moments in the midst of everyday chaos to just let it be Christmas. Enjoy it, for soon enough, it will be January 2009.
I found another really sweet Advent calendar. It came in this months New Era and you can find it here, though the printed version has lots of wonderful pictures. It is a great addition to this wonderful tradition.
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Oh and there was more...
And then there is Kierstin with her cookies. She is supposed to be decorating them, but she insisted on eating the toppings.

And Brittany reminded me that we had also decorated ginger bread houses. We bought the one from Costco as we have always done and they CHANGED THE BRAND! It was simply not the same. They were a little more frustrated with this one. In fact, I was lousy at building these. Mine, well Kyra's, kept falling apart. I had call in reinforcements. They aren't as pretty as usual, but they sure are cute.
And now, tonight we add a middle school Holiday Band concert to the list of December activities. Kimball is still rocking the percussion and he was so much fun to watch.
Monday, December 8, 2008
Where has the time gone?
Ok, it has been a busy 8 days. We have been on not one, but two Christmas tree trips (that's a story!), enjoyed the sights and sounds of Holiday in the Park at Six Flags and been a part of Kimball receiving the Priesthood at church. We have dug out the Cocoa Motion hot chocolate maker and enjoyed various brands of hot chocolate. We have welcomed our little elf friends back and Kyra's beloved Ginger. (another story!) We have decorated a Nursing Home for the Holidays. We have planned school Holiday parties. We have struggled through family pictures, and had some beautiful ones come out of the kids, kristen harris photography, but nothing of all of us together. That means we have to do it again. Aren't you jealous! It's really Kierstin. She just doesn't care to sit for a picture. I mean, unless she is eating sugar cookies with frosting. We have decorated sugar cookies, well sugar cookies and little faces; and gotten out our much loved Advent calendars. Mom has added to them this year, and I am so in love with her stories. I may just have to have them published. So sweet. I actually cried when I read the one about the magic cake pans. I will send it to you if you want to see it, oh, that is if Mom will send me a digital copy. :) These are just a few pictures of the past week, and more to come.
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Checking in on Day 4
Good afternoon all. So, I am happy to announce that the ongoing family service project is working out beautifully. If you aren't in on the work, here's the scoop: Back in the beginning of December, we set to thinking of a way to serve for the season. There were a lot of places in need, but one stood out as a good idea. We decided to decorate a local nursing home for the holidays. I know it's not world peace, but it is a little bit of sweetness shared with some men and women who are often forgotten. It started out as a small idea, and in a matter of phone calls and email, it took off. We have had tremendous support and I am thrilled. The patients have been very sweet. The friends and family that have jumped in on this have all declared what a great time they had. There are three more days of fun on this and then I hope that we can share the Season throughout the month. My mom even suggested that she would be willing to do genealogy work for people who are there, if they would like. It is all so very sweet.
Monday, December 1, 2008
Happy December 1st!
Good morning all! It is officially the 1st of December and a wonderful Holiday season. We have already started our excitement around here and I wanted to share a new snowman template to start things out. We won't likely get much snow around here, except for the fake stuff on our freshly flocked tree, not a choice we have ever made before, but we actually all love it. We decorated it last night and we started our day with a little Christmas story. We are off to decorate a nursing home tonight with lots of friends and family, a very exciting endeavor. This season, as I told you last week, I hope to celebrate all month long. Here are some of the things we, or I, have decided to try to do. I say try loosely, for the record.
SO, we have the Nursing home tonight. Highland Village Christmas tree lighting Tuesday. Kimball Court of Honor where he advances to 1st class on Wednesday, that's a big deal. Thursday is currently open. Friday, we sing carols at the Nursing home and Saturday we are off to Six Flags for the "Holiday in the Park" extravaganza. Now, that one brings lots of fond memories from my teenage years with it as I worked there when I was 17. So much fun! You are all invited to join in on any of these fun things, if you live here of course. Oh, and Sunday we are off to Mom and Dad's for dinner and more fun!
I plan to attend the North Pole Express in Grapevine, the ICE! show at the Gaylord Texan and possibly more. I just want to share as much fun with the kids as possible, before Christmas morning. It may be too much, it may not all happen, but darnit, I am going to try. Who says you can't do all of these things with 4 kids? (Um, probably people with 4 kids!)
Thanks for sharing your ideas and keep them coming. Also, share your recipes and food traditions. Those are fun!
Friday, November 28, 2008
Ok, still upset, but want to start the holidays with cheer!
Yes. I am bothered by the outcome of the situation in CA with Prop 8 and the literal trauma that it has bequeathed to all those who even thought about for a half a second, much less those who actually did something about it, God forbid. BUT! I will move into another, more festive topic. (but I am still seething a little, fyi)
So. We have enjoyed another wonderful, grateful Thanksgiving. Complete with a delicious Larry turkey and way too much food. It was all lovely and I am grateful for so many things. I think I am even more aware of those things as we muddle through some rather intense changes in our world. As we head into December and Christmas, I hope to really adjust the way we celebrate. I want to share some magic throughout the month of December, rather than build everything up to one morning that always goes by too fast, and equated to a lot of pressure. So, I am in search. Search for events and traditions to share with the angels in my house that are now old enough to really appreciate some fun. I have looked at ICE! at Gaylord Texan, which is fab, but a whopping 9 degrees under the tent. Can we do that? Dunno. I will do Holiday in the Park at Six Flags and remember the incredible times had there as a teenager, so many years ago. We will possibly do the North Pole Express in Grapevine. I hear fun things about that.
But, I am wondering what you do to kick off the season. Share some ideas with us and let's have a wonderful, magic Holiday season, full of appreciation for a Savior that came to this earth to redeem us and teach us how to be happy, in all circumstances.
Happy Holidays!
You have got to be kidding me!
This is why this whole Prop 8 thing is so ridiculous. How can one side of this force a man out of his job because he stood up for something he believes? How can that be defended!!! No matter which side you stand for, or what you believe in, or what religion happens to stand up for their beliefs, this is not ok. There were so many more people and religions involved in raising the money to get that passed. Why Mormons? An easy target? To anyone who would do such a thing: Shame on you and your incredibly un-American actions. You should be embarrassed! I know I am.
NOV 28TH 2008 12:00PM
filed under: eDemocrats, Gay Rights, Ballot Measures
Richard Raddon, Director of the Los Angeles Film Festival, was forced to resign his position after it became known that he donated $1,500 in support of Proposition 8, the recently passed amendment to the California Constitution that defines marriage as the union of one man and one woman. Raddon, a committed Mormon, was reportedly besieged by angry e-mails and phone calls to his home from supporters of the "No on 8" campaign, looking to punish him for his political views. The Mormon church urged its members to support the amendment and contributed $20 million toward its passage.
Raddon offered to resign his post when the contribution became public, but he was given a unanimous vote of confidence by the board of directors of Film Independent, which sponsors the film festival. The controversy over Raddon's involvement in the passage of Proposition 8 only grew, leading to a second offer of resignation, which was accepted. Proposition 8 passed by a comfortable 52-48 margin, helped by support from religious groups as well as African-Americans and Hispanics.
The political left preaches tolerance and acceptance but lives by a very different standard when it comes to political opinions. There is no room for dissenting political opinions in the salons of the liberal left, as Raddon painfully learned. No American, no matter what his line of work, should be hounded out of his job because of his political or religious views. Unfortunately for Raddon, he works in one of the most liberal job environments in the country, Hollywood. And Hollywood liberals demand conformity to their political orthodoxy in order to remain a member in good standing.
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Happy Turkey Day!
I woke up to the most delicious smell that can only be attributed to Thanksgiving. Larry was already hard at work on gravy and getting the brined bird ready to roast. Little ones were watching cartoons, oblivious to the magic in the kitchen. As the day goes on, we will have more and more smells coming from our kitchen, mostly at the hands of a skilled and dedicated chef. I have discovered that I am not a great sous chef, SLOW is the word, oh and messy.
And now we have a joyful combination of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and Larry mocking the performers in the background, an annoying little glitch in our pleasant morning. But, he is making Bagels & Lox, one of my all time favorite Jewish dishes shared by Larbear.
Announcement: The turkey is going in the oven right this minute! Wahoo!
On the menu today:
Mashed Potatoes and Gravy
Sweet potatoes (2 versions. one from mom and one from larry)
Cranberry relish
And for dessert:
Pumpkin pie/ pecan pie/ apple pie/ cherry pie/ Michelle's Turtle Pie...and the kids get to make their own little personal pudding pies. Michelle shared that little idea and I loved it so much that we ran out to Walmart last night with Kierstin already bathed and in her Christmas jammies to pick up the crusts.
So much food and fun and family! SO much to be grateful for this day. Have a wonderful day and enjoy all that you have. Freedom and family and faith!
Monday, November 24, 2008
Curtains: Round 2
SO, round 1 with the curtains didn't receive glowing reviews from anyone, namely Larbear, and for the record, Kaden didn't think they were great. He said, and I quote, "We've had better". So, those were returned today and I opted for a more muted selection. I am going to get this right, even if I have to buy and return 10 times, though that is one of my least favorite things to do. I will prevail though! In the name of good design, what do you think of this? The orange pillow there on the couch is not helping the color scheme as I look at it, so try to ignore that. The color in the valance over there in the dining room is sort of a cadet blue-ish, and I do mean ISH. I like the color though.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Evidence of a productive day
Timeless question, indeed.
So, between meltdowns and feeding time, I set about sifting through this tragedy myself. I did this one largely, no completely! On my own. It was therapeutic though. Out with the junk! Oh so rewarding. And it is also proof that Larry is not the only one capable of magic.
You know you are impressed.
Penance update at 8:36 am
They are sick. All four of my children have some sort of coughing, sneezing, drippy nose, head ache, icky type of sick!!! It started a couple of days ago with just one and in a matter of 2 days. all of them. miserable. sad.
Friday, November 21, 2008
What do you suppose happens when you cancel a trip at the last minute in my house? We have a party, well a "I am apologizing and trying to make it up to them without spending money" kind of party! Penance for me.
At one point tonight we had a grand total of...well, let's see...Kimball, Connor, Josh, Jake, Sterling, Joey, Kaden, Lauren W., Aiden, Jackson, Rachel, Kyra, Grace C., Riley, Tate, Kierstin, Lauren L., Skye, Savannah and Stephan...all of them in my house playing, loudly. That is 20 children, my friends.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Back to the fun stuff of life
Can anyone tell me when this happened?
Has it been long enough for her to be this big? She is as much fun as you can imagine, even with a cold. And now she is getting so big.
I just thought I would share a little magic tonight, instead of political and moral banter.
I am sure you will appreciate the tiny distraction.
Monday, November 17, 2008
My two cents
Adventures in Mormonism » Blog Archive » A people set apart: Mormons and Prop 8
Ok. So, as I read through and listen to the great debates about Mormons and money and Prop 8, it is actually quite mind numbing. I have heard of very un-democratic picketing of Temples and read the incredibly harsh words of many and I find it altogether impressive. Impressive because so many of our members have stepped up to a huge debate, stared it in the face and laid out their time and money to protect something we hold sacred. I know and fully understand the importance of preserving equal rights for all and that we must keep church and state separate. I also know that every member of a civilized society must stand up for what they believe and if there are members of this church who stood up for this even in the face of such odds, I am proud of them. Now, as I say all of this, I am thinking of the blog I just read from a fellow Mormon blogger and I think that he safely knows a heckuva lot more than I do about the whole thing and I think he summed it up really well.
Times won't get easier and the choice to stand for something won't get prettier in these last days. I am reminded of the quote "You have to stand for something or you will fall for anything". We stand for something bigger than ourselves and I am proud to still be counted among the faithful. The separation of the wheat from the tares is hard upon us and this is no exception. By the way, I am in no way suggesting that those who opposed Prop 8 should or would be counted among the "tares". I do; however, suggest that the decision to stand by our leaders is one that it seems there are many struggling with in the aftermath of this event.
That's all you will hear from me on a political rant. It's less political for me than it is about my faith in this Gospel and in a Great Plan of Happiness for each of us.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Oh you will love this!
SO, this is what I just found in my email. You have to love Larry!
I know how much you hate these but I just want to give you a reminder.
Order a Turkey
Pay the Health Insurance
Take in Car
Take In Cat and Dog
Move cleaners to Thursday before you leave
Confirm you have somebody to take care of the animals when you are gone
Thats all for now.
Love you
I know how much you hate these but I just want to give you a reminder.
Order a Turkey
Pay the Health Insurance
Take in Car
Take In Cat and Dog
Move cleaners to Thursday before you leave
Confirm you have somebody to take care of the animals when you are gone
Thats all for now.
Love you
Wednesday, November 12, 2008
Gratitude is a little harder to come by tonight...but it's there.
So. It's late and I feel as if I have been run over by a big truck, you know the ones that keep wheeling in rocks and dirt to build this massive road that is clogging traffic and causing havoc in the name of progress? That kind.
But, I would be ungrateful and a bad example if I did not find some measure of thankfulnessness at the end of this day. First, our sister-in-law Nicole lost her mother today. I don't know many details, but my heart hurts for her. I can't imagine. Second, Kimball is...well, 12. 12 and in love with some other 12 year old girl that he texts all the time and is now getting not so great grades and talking less than nice to me. I can take a lot, but enough is enough today. He made me have to actually parent today. With actual discipline. Dangit! I hate it when I have to do that. But with all of that...I am grateful for his sweet, young, impressionable spirit that is trying so hard to grow up in very difficult times. I cannot begin to explain away his actions, but I will tell you that what these kids deal with now is so far beyond anything I experienced when I was young...way back when. It is truly a difficult road. He is our first and we are clueless about all of this, and I am sure that we will be much better at it by the time we get to Kierstin. For now, I am grateful for the chance to wake up tomorrow and try again. I am grateful for the resources we have in the Scriptures and with all of the great leaders that we have at church to work with. I can't imagine parenting alone. There are leaders that he has grown to really respect and love and I am so grateful for them and for their work. I am grateful for the quiet at the end of these days when I get to cry a little and pray a lot for the strength and the wisdom and the patience to be a better parent to these sweet children. It was a tough day from start to finish, but I will blame it on the incredibly full moon that hangs tonight and hope that the morning will bring a hugs and smiles from the little ones that now sleep.
In honor of Nicole's mom, I am grateful for mine. I am grateful for her friendship and tenacity, for her constant search for the "dream house" and for her tireless efforts in continuing to raise these 8 kids that are now accompanied by spouses and children all around. They just keep showing up! I am grateful for her testimony and for how much she loves my children, and me...and for how much she loves Larry. She was the first to welcome him back into our family and has remained his supporter ever since. She was there when he welcomed Kierstin into our fractured family and she has loved him. I am grateful for the relationship that she has with my Dad, who I love dearly. More than he knows I think. I am so very thankful for the sacrifices they have made to be sealed to each other and to this family for eternity. It has not always been easy for them either and they are still together, still going after all these years. Thank you.
A little light reading, for those of you avoiding laundry! - Ensign Article - The Profound Power of Gratitude
I will, of course, post more later. Today is a busy day in our house, well, in most of our houses I suspect, what with Activity days, Scouts, Young Women/ Men, and such. I am in the process of preparing my lesson for Activity days this afternoon, which is surprisingly about Gratitude, and I found my way to a few lessons that I love. I find myself reading the General Conference talks and Ensign lessons much more these days. A little thirsty I guess. This one is very applicable to where I want to go in my home and I thought you might like it.
Oh, and today, right this minute, I am grateful for sitting on the couch eating edamame with a freshly showered Kierstin! I know, it's silly, but she just kept asking for more and asked me to make more when we had finished the first batch, and then she looked up at me and said, "Mom, these are licious!" (translation: delicious) It was FUN!
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
More gratitude
Hello all! Well, I have been busy these last two days with kids and the house and Larry heading out of town for 2 weeks. Today is, in fact, the 14th anniversary of the 1st time Larry and I got married. Say that 10 times fast, and then tell the long sordid tale of how we divorced and then got back, actually...let's not. We went through a lot, certainly, but he has always been there...sometimes even when I didn't want him there. Sometimes when I wanted to kill him, but nonetheless...he kept coming back. Today I am grateful for him. I am grateful for the trials that made us realize how much we had to fight for, and there were many trials. We sure did make a mess of our lives, but somehow, we're here. I am grateful for every day that we have and for all of the stuff that comes with it. I am even thankful for the times that he is driving me crazy with the cleaning. I am grateful for the cleaned out pantry, and the folded laundry, for the lists of things he gives me to do, for his willingness to live here in Texas and travel for work, for how much he loves each of our four children. The way he looks at them, the way they adore him, it is tremendous. I am grateful for his ability to "put up" with me. (and he really does know how) There used to be so many reasons for this love not to work, but there are more that allow us to be together, to raise this family in love and faith, and to work to build each day as a team. I have loved him for most of my adult life, and I am proud to call him my husband and best friend.
As for the rest of are not answering my direct question. What are you grateful for?
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Well, it's that time of year. It seems that the entire month of November is filled with suggestions intended to remind us of all that we have to be grateful for. We sit and smile and think of a few things that we know that we are and ought to be grateful for. We had a visit from our home teachers tonight and they asked our children what they are grateful for. Here's how that went:
Kaden said he would have to think about it.
Kimball said...oh wait...Kaden thought of something...
My family.
Kimball is quick to say that he is grateful for food. (yep, he really did)
Kyra, with a coy little smile, says rather innocently that she is grateful for the Holy Ghost. (she then tilts her head and bats her eyelashes at the unsuspecting visitors.)
Now. In my thoughts on what I can do to improve and strengthen my family, I have thought many times that we need to work on this one aspect, gratitude. But what's critical to that is recognition. If we don't recognize something as a blessing, or a gift, then how can we truly be grateful. Here's the goal: To spend one week, or even one day, pointing out all of the things, big and small, that we are given on a daily basis that we could be, should be, grateful for.
I will start a little list, and please...feel free to add to the list in your comments. What are you grateful for today?
Day One:
Quiet at the end of a busy Sunday
Larry, sitting in church with us today.
Larry, leaving early enough to come home and make us lunch.
Kimball, for interviewing and accepting the call to receive the Priesthood. Very sweet.
Kaden, for his warm and enveloping example. I can't tell you the number of people who tell me how great they think he is. It's in his spirit, and I am honored to be his mother.
Kyra, for being Kyra and for giving Kierstin a horsey ride tonight. Big laughs.
Kierstin...for the unending joy that she is. There was great heartache to get her here, but there is a truly divine reason for her addition to our family.
Lucy, for telling me a sweet story that Kaden had shared with her about Kierstin and how much he loves her.
Mom, for agreeing to drop everything and go to help a family in need. (while she is finishing up helping another family while they are traveling.)
Dad, for insisting on being there when Kimball is set apart.
The great joy that baseball season has ended. (and that Kaden DID get a game ball!)
My sweet family for coming to Kaden's game last night.
Primary programs in Sacrament meeting.
I believe that I could just keep going on and on if I sat and thought about it more, but I am also grateful for sleep which is needed in order to continue appreciating tomorrow.
Ask your children what they are grateful for...and if it's video games and tv, it might be time to have a gratitude lesson. :) I know it is time in my house.
Good night!
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
It's been a week of firsts!
ell, obviously it has been a big week of firsts. Monday, Kierstin went to the dentist for the first time. We found out that she is cutting 4 molars! Uh, huh. You should feel bad for us. Kaden and Kyra had NO CAVITIES! How that happened, I have no idea.
And then on Tuesday Kaden became a Bear in Scouts and received lots of awards which he is very proud of. Kimball moved into 12 year old Scouts and, drum role please, the Young Men program at church. Makes me feel old!

(Another little thing happened on Tuesday night about some black guy and the white house.)
And then today! The wind and the leaves and all the kids. Kierstin had her very first experience with playing in piles of leaves, or should I say one gigantic magical pile of leaves! Kyra had a new friend with us for the afternoon, making everyone have an enjoyable day. If one child is left out, then no one can really have a good time, unless you get really good at ignoring the whining.
It was a beautiful Fall day with a nice breeze, strong enough to blow down a good 1/3 of our leaves...oh, there are so many more. We made cookies and enjoyed this playful day without one word from me about how many bugs there must surely be in that pile of leaves. I kept my mouth shut while they laughed!
And now, they are all sleeping!
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
God Bless America
Well, well, well. No matter what side you vote for or how you might feel about either of these candidates and their lofty promises, we are witnessing history tonight. I could not be more proud of our great country and the incredible change that has happened.
President Barack Obama.
I just hope we got it right. :)
President Barack Obama.
I just hope we got it right. :)
Saturday, November 1, 2008
My turn to be a car. :)
I'm a Porsche 911!
You have a classic style, but you're up-to-date with the latest technology. You're ambitious, competitive, and you love to win. Performance, precision, and prestige - you're one of the elite,and you know it.
Take the Which Sports Car Are You? quiz.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Presidential Advice from Kyra
So, today I head off to vote in what is a dismal election. Dismal. Lesser of two almost evils at this point, but I digress.
I ask Kyra who I should vote for and here is how it went:
Kyra: Obama!
Me: Ok, so why should I vote for Obama?
warning: this is not politically correct
Kyra: He's the brown one isn't he?
Me: Yes, he is the brown one.
Kyra: You should vote for him.
Me: Why, Kyra?
Kyra: Well, he would be the first brown president.
Me: What if he sucks as president?
Kyra: Well, they all suck at first, don't they?
Words of wisdom from the 2nd grader.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Halloween Fun
This is what Kierstin looked like toward the end of the night, playing with animals and chasing kids and eating all kind of treats. She started out looking more like the last picture, though that did not last long.
Kyra looked beautiful in her fairy costume, though, once again, all of the extras did not stay on for long, as you can see in the first picture. It turns out they were just too concerned about the fact that there weren't very many kids in costume.
Kaden was in his Indiana Jones costume for about 15 minutes until he realized that he was the only one of his age group in costume, and he promptly returned home to change. He did have a great time taking pictures of all of the animals and kids on our street. And then there was Kierstin. She was so cute in this little costume, that in no way reflects her personality as she is just wonderful. Kimball had NO desire to have his picture taken, but he did stay and hang out with us for the evening. It was a great night and the perfect beginning to this week of celebrations.

Good morning all. So, I am trying to talk myself into making myself go to the gym, which is a despised act for me. I sit down to check through some emails and filter through some blogs I keep up with and realize that I haven't checked in on Stephanie in awhile. And then it hits me.
Perspective! In a whopping, humbling, near tears dose. Suddenly going to the gym doesn't seem so daunting.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Pumpkin Patch!
We made it! It was a busy but beautiful Friday afternoon and Larry had flown in from Washington DC and we met up at the Flower Mound Pumpkin Patch. It has become a tradition around here and it was just as much fun as it always is. There was enough to do to keep them busy and interested. Kierstin thought that everything was exciting, of course. Here are a few pictures to share of our afternoon.
Sunday, October 19, 2008
Big Weekend!
Well, I don't have any of my own pictures to post as I ended up without my camera, as did Larry. We both forgot! As some of you know, we ran the McAuliffe Fall Carnival again yesterday, which was the second time for us. It was so much more enjoyable for me as we knew better than we did last year. The team was incredible and it seemed to be just the right balance. I am not sure yet whether we will do it again or not, but it was fun. I will post pictures as I receive them.
It is certainly Fall around here. It is a pleasant temperature with leaves falling and pumpkins in every other yard. Larry has pulled out Halloween decorations and the house looks great. We are in for a few more busy weeks as we have Kimball turning 12 this weekend!! Hold on, I have to catch my breath on that one.
Ok. Back to business. 12! And then Halloween, which is a well loved holiday around here. I may even dress up this year. :) We shall see. We are going out to my parents house later today and that is always fun. Have a quiet Sunday!!!
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Apple Orchard sadness
So I just looked up the crop info for the orchard I want to go to next week and they lost their entire crop! They are closed for the season. I am in mourning now. Where, oh where, can we find somewhere to pick apples? I mean, I know that we can go to cool places in Maine and Virginia, they are amazing...but where in the heart of Texas can you pick apples?!?
Frankly, it may be time to drive our way up to Louisburg, KS.
Fall fun for all

Well, it's October and I have so many things I want to do for fun this Fall. Of course we will make our annual trip the Pumpkin Patch in Flower Mound. I can honestly say that it is one of our favorite places to go. Why? It is all that Fall is in this magnificent place where you secretly feel a little bit of envy at the beautiful home they live in and the way that they live. And then you go home and appreciate that you don't have to do all of that work. Seriously.

And then, this year I have decided that I want to go to an Apple Orchard and pick apples and make something fun and yummy. Pies, apple butter, baked apples...YUM!
This will at least show you what I mean. I think this is the only orchard around, that I can find anyway. I want to go there next week. Larry will be out of town and has zero interest in the apple picking adventure. So, if you want to do something a little different and don't mind the cost of the gas to get there...let's go.
What else? Well, we have our Fall Carnival at school this weekend that should be lots of fun. I am in charge of this little thing, so I am actually really looking forward to it being finished. :) It looks like everything is coming together really well, so I am now just hoping that we raise lots of money for the school.
What do you do for fun in the change of seasons?
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